Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Understanding people better

"Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy".  Matthew 5:7.  NKJV

The Greek word for merciful is eleemon, which literally means to show sympathy to people and to feel sorry for them. It is coming to people from the outside.
The Hebrew word for mercy is chesedh, and means not only being sympathetic with a person and feeling sorry for them and for what they are going through, but it means the ability to get right inside other people until we really know how they feel. It means seeing things through their eyes, thinking just like them and being in touch with their feelings. This is being on the inside and counsellors know this as being in a person's internal frame of reference. In other words, it means, being able to sit in their shoes and view life as they are doing at this time. When a person being counselled realises that the counsellor is in this place, they are more likely to open up and trust the worker with what is bothering them.

The difference between eleemon merciful and chesedh mercy, can be seen between Martha and Mary when Jesus visited them. Luke 10:38-42. Even though Martha loved Jesus dearly, she was coming to Him from the outside. Jesus was days away from His crucifixion; He had this on His mind and needed to rest and strengthen Himself. He didn't need stressful conversation. Martha couldn't see this. On the other hand, Mary could and she came to Jesus on the inside and just sat at His feet, listening to Him.

Jesus Himself, comes to people from the inside. He operates with chesedh mercy. Other people may not. Often we are worried or have great hurt within us and people come along, and say they'll pray for us and then depart. This is eleemon merciful, which is sympathy. They may try their best, no doubt, but they fail to get to the inside of a person, the chesedh mercy - the internal frame of reference, where they sit in our shoes knowing, to a degree, just what is happening to us.

You must have been on the receiving end of  eleemon merciful sympathy. People may say all of the wrong things or not say much at all. This is because they are on the outside of you, not the inside. When they leave, you feel no better.

Our text says, 'Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.' As a person gets closer to Jesus and learns, thoroughly, what He is teaching, the Holy Spirit will enlighten them, and as above, the merciful will receive mercy; and what they give to others from thereon, they will receive also.

The next time that you are faced with someone who is going through a bad time; spend time with them, just listening. You have no answers until you fully understand that person and where they are coming from. Get into their shoes - the inside, so that you can be a blessing and a help to them.

Then, you'll be pleased; they will be pleased and more than that, God will be pleased!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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