Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Treasuring God's Word

"Oh how I love Your law; it is my meditation all the day."   Psalm 119:97.  NKJV

Study and Research it
Do you want to be successful and blessed in all ways? Then read your bible. If you haven't got one, invest in a good, modern version. These make for easier reading. However, a good study bible is a diamond to have, as it will offer you a wealth of information and knowledge.
Studying God's Word on a daily basis is a recipe for wisdom. It is a must, because God speaks to us and shows us a mountain of interesting things, together with the road ahead. Because it is a living word, we see things differently although we may have read a particular passage many times.
As we meditate on God's Word or expound it, which is searching for a deeper explanation, we go to a newer depth in our reading and walk with Him.

Absorb and Remember it
As we meditate on His Word, a fresh excitement is attained as we become so absorbed in it. It is then difficult to stop because we become energised and want to see and know more. We also find answers to many of life's problems and we obtain a newer understanding of how we should live our lives.
It's important to remember key issues, so a notepad is a handy thing to have around, as is marking things in your bible. This is a brilliant way of bringing things to mind when we need them.

Meditate and keep things in your mind
As we meditate on God's Word, it is important to keep certain things in our mind. Then, as we go about our daily chores, we can also be considering what we've read and how we can handle things God has illuminated - things that effect you personally.
Reading the Word daily, is a life-saver. It equips us as we go through our day and you'll be surprised how God will flag up things that you've read, possibly the same day.

The Psalmist said:
'Oh how I love Your law; it is my meditation all the day.'  Psalm 119:97

and the Apostle Paul wrote"

'Let the Word of Christ, dwell in you richly.'    Colossians 3:16

As you do this, you'll be equipped for every situation

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard 


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