Saturday, 19 October 2019

Stop being anxious

"Anxiety in the heart of man, causes depression. But a good word makes it glad."
                                                                                                                Proverbs 15:13.  NKJV

Overwork, financial worries and ridiculous work targets, can cause a person immense unrest, fear and constant worry. As our text describes today, anxiety causes depression. The New Living Translation reads: 'Worry weighs a person down.' This is why Psalm 55:22 says, 'Cast your burdens on the LORD and He shall sustain you', or as the NLT says, 'Give your burdens to the LORD and He will take care of you.'

All over the world people are being attacked with depression. It can grab us all. Problems mount up; worries go unanswered and before we know it, we are down in the darkness of depression. Some of us tend to overwork. We take on more than we should do; spinning all the plates. However, before too long, those plates begin to fall and things go pear-shaped.

Note the words in the New Living Translation of Psalm 55:22, 'GIVE YOUR BURDENS TO THE LORD.' It can't be any clearer than that. In fact, it is so important that God brings it up again in 1 Peter 5:7 NLT 'Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.' But at times, we continue to allow our worries to weigh us down. But God wants us to release this weight to Him because He knows that we were not created to carry this around. We were created to bring glory to God. What sort of a picture do we paint to non-believers when we are plagued with worry and fear?

God gave us a direction, 'Give your burdens to Me.' So ask yourself, 'Why am I still anxious; full of worry and feel like the world's problems are on my shoulders?' They're not on your shoulders if you give them to God; they're on His and he is not going to let them bother Him or ruin His day. 

Why not give them to God right now:

I seem to be burdened with lots of worries and pressures at the moment. I'm not sleeping properly and when I do, I awake with the same problems. Your word tells me to give them to You. So that is what I do, right now.
In Jesus' name. Amen

Now you're qualified to go and speak with someone else who is suffering in the same way that you were. You have the answer to their anxieties and fears.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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