Tuesday, 19 November 2019

It's time for healing

"they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover."                      Mark 16:18.  NKJV

People are being healed all over the world at this very moment. Someone, somewhere has taken Jesus' words and laid their hands on some sick person and they have been healed. Hallelujah, that is amazing. This is what the scripture means, to lay on hands on the sick and pray that they will be well. It was not a time-limited thing. It was not meant just for the disciples and apostles, but for every bible-believing person throughout the world.

Then if that is the case, why are some healed and some not? Many times, we have all prayed for someone and they have not been healed. This may have led some people to shy away from this type of ministry, to avoid disappointment or embarrassment; and that is very understandable. From time to time, we have all received prayer for healing and not really felt that any, significant thing has happened. We don't have the answers for some of these occasions, but we should never, shy away from praying for people.

A closer look at this scripture, reveals some interesting facts. If we look at the King James text - old and new, we read: 'they will recover.' Now this brings a whole new meaning to being healed. Where some versions read that the person will be healed, this is not always at the very time that prayer takes place. Many people have felt - pray-er and sick person, that as soon as hands are laid upon them, then a miracle will take place and they will be instantly healed. Yes, that can be the case, many times. However, not all the time. When it feels like nothing has happened, don't give up - again, pray-er or sick person, there may be a delay because of a recovery time. When a person goes into hospital for surgery, before returning to their ward, they go to the recovery section until they wake up. When they have been checked over, that is the time when they return to the ward. However, there is still a recovery time to undergo, before they are well and back on their feet. The NIV says something similar, this reads: 'they will get well,' again, this is not instant. They will have to undergo a recovery time.

So therefore, this may explain, on occasions, why there is no visible, instant healing. A person may have to go through a recovery time, but as each day goes by, they become stronger and stronger, until they are healed, totally.

Never fear, or become disillusioned when you receive prayer and nothing seems to happen; give it time and something will. My own healing was not instant, it took place overnight while I was asleep, and even then, I was not totally well. However, over the course of the next few hours, total healing came. I had to go through the recover time. And it may be the same for you, too.

Again, if you pray for someone to be healed, refuse to become discouraged. You've done nothing wrong. There is no particular formula except, 'In the Name of Jesus.' Wait for the recovery period:

"So let's not get tired of doing good. At just the right
time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.'
                                     Galatians 6:9.  NLT

Keep on praying for the sick and hurting

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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