Friday, 8 November 2019

'You know where I am!'

"(4) And you know the way to where I am going"                                 John 14:1-6   NLT

How many times do we hear this from well-meaning people when we are having a difficult time? How many times do we say it to others whom we talk to when they are going through a bad time?

About one out of ten people take up this offer. The others don't, mostly because, 'I don't want to bother them or be a nuisance. They probably don't really mean it anyway, just trying to make me feel good, that's all'. It's true sometimes. Some people listen to problems but feel inadequate or unqualified to help out. So they speak a few words of comfort, pray for the person and say, 'You know where I am'. Not everyone is like this though. many are willing to hear people's problems again and again. So if someone has said this to you just lately, you won't know until you try and take up their offer. 

Thomas, a deep thinking man, one of Jesus' disciples, questioned Jesus about what He had said. He wasn't being rude, he was being honest and wanted clarification to untie his confusion. (v5) Jesus reassured him by saying, 'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.' (v6) Note that Jesus didn't say, I'll show you the way; but I am the way. He didn't promise to teach the truth, but that He was the truth, and He didn't show them the secrets of life, but said that He is the life. As the disciples and and us seek Him and spend time with Him, all of this will become apparent. He is everything and has everything. He is all we need but we need to press into Him, then we will get to know Him much better.

People say, 'You know where I am if you need me', then we need to take up this offer they have made; just the same as we need to understand fully where Jesus is and what He is offering us, where He is going and what life is like, serving Him, and live life full of Him. He has told us, that one day He will return and take us to where He is. At the moment He is getting it ready for us. 

Until then, when we say to people, 'You know where I am if you need me', why not follow this up via a text or a telephone call. Just the same as we need to accept the offer of help at times, it is good to give our help to others, when we can.

Until Jesus returns, we have ample time to do this.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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