Sunday, 10 November 2019

He supplies all we need

"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in Glory, by Christ Jesus."
                                                                                                     Philippians 4:19.  NKJV

Are you ever amazed at how God supplies all we need? In my life, there has been many times when I have felt that I am paying out more than I'm taking in. Do you know what I mean? Add to this, tithing and we can begin to become quite anxious. I've even heard people say, 'I can't afford to tithe, I'd never be able to manage.' Really, the answer to this is that, we cannot afford not to tithe.

Years ago when my wife and I were first saved, I read about tithing and how we are robbing God, in a Christian magazine. I was horrified. We had young children to bring up; bills were coming out of our ears. It was quite stressful. I felt, that the Christian writer was out of line to write such a thing and I determined in my mind that I would not read any articles penned by him, again. 

The thing is, we can't hide from God, can we? Under conviction, we began to give a tithe out of our hard-earned, small income. From that moment. even though I almost went white overnight, God never let us down. we always had enough, more that enough at times. You see, it's God's money in the first place and as soon as we accept that fact and start giving to Him, he takes care of all we need.

Jesus Himself said, 'But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.'  Matthew 6:33. When you think about it, it all comes down to trust; how much we trust Him, how far are we willing to go for Him. As He went the ultimate distance for us, it really means that we should trust Him with everything; not only our money, but our lives, our health, our families; all of it.

He has given you everything you will need in this life. Some things and people, may have been taken away, but He still gave you that joy in the first place. So therefore, determine to give Jesus the first place in your life. You'll never regret it.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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