Tuesday 21 January 2020

Don't be a slave to fear

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love and of a sound mind"                                                                                      2 Timothy 1:7.  NKJV

The enemy uses a powerful weapon against us, and this is fear. Fear can stop us in our tracks. John talks about this in 1 John 4:18: 'There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.' Torment is the root of fear, it's a kind of torture that attaches itself to our minds and feeds it with all kinds of lies and negativity. Once it sets in, it is very hard to get rid of it. It disarms us. It is then difficult for us to go forward because we feel immobilised in our walk.

The fear can come from anywhere in our day and at varying levels. A seed of fear is planted in our minds by the devil and as we begin to focus on it, it becomes bigger and bigger. The sad thing is that, we are allowing this. At the first sign of fear, we need to recognise it for what it is and deal with it in the Name of Jesus. Otherwise, as it catches us unawares and fully takes up residence, it can be hard to take action. We begin to believe the lie that the spirit of fear is telling us, it seduces us and we are fully convinced by it all.

When an attack like this comes - a fiery dart from the wicked one( Ephesians 6:16), we need to call on God, in fact shout to Him and order our angels to take care of the situation. As soon as we call to Him, He will discharge the angels to fight on our behalf. They can do nothing unless we call on God. 

When no action is taken; when you put up with the situation and live with the fear, it robs you of all the joy that you once had. You become bitter and irritable; suspicious and bad-tempered, in fact, you become totally disabled by it all and a slave to the fear that has attached itself to you. 

The Greek word for Fear is Phobos. It translates to fear, terror and dread. In the New Testament, it relates to a fear of terror and also a fear of reverence to God. The English word translated from the Greek is Phobia and this means, fearless confidence towards God and love for the brethren. The one who knows this love - which is God (1 John 4:16) has no fear of facing God at the judgement. The other side of the fear coin is, terror, dread, lies, torment and total horror. Fear is also known as timidity in spiritual or secular settings and makes a person reluctant to take on responsibilities. 

You may be struggling with fear. It may be tormenting you and ruining your spiritual walk and it may be preventing you from taking a step forward in your ministry or your spiritual walk. It needs to be evicted and evicted now!

Say this prayer with me now:

'I speak to you spirit of fear and I tell you that you have no place in my life. I belong to Jesus; I AM a child of God, not a slave to fear. Therefore I AM evicting you now in the powerful Name of Jesus. Get out of my life now.

Reflect on these words from the worship song below by Jonathan & Melissa Helser 

I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I am surrounded
By the arms of the father
I am surrounded
By songs of deliverance
We've been liberated
From our bondage
Were the sons and the daughters
Let us sing our freedom
You split the sea
So I could walk right through it
My fears were drowned in perfect love
You rescued me
And I will stand and sing
I am the child of God
You split the sea
So I could walk right through it
You drowned my fears in perfect love
You rescued me
And I will stand and sing
I am the child of God (yes I am)
I am a Child of God
I am a Child of God (yes I am)
I am a Child of God (full of faith yes)
I am a Child of God
I am a Child of God
I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God                         Copyright 2019  Jonathan & Melissa Helser. Bethel Music

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard


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Stop being hasty

Better is the poor who walks in his integrity t han one who is perverse in his lips, and is a fool. And he sins who hastens with his feet.  ...