Monday 20 January 2020

What or Who, takes God's Place?

"But as for me, I trust in You O LORD. I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in Your hand."                                                                                  Psalm 3114-15.  NKJV

The New Living Translation quotes the last part of this verse as, 'My future is in Your hand.' This makes it more clearer that, we have a future, and our future is in God, if we seek Him. (Jeremiah 29:11-13).

Some folk worship their football team or their current Pop or Movie Star. Many put one of these people in the place of idols - they copy them, their hair style, clothes and even the way they talk, sing or walk. They stand in front of a mirror with a hairbrush imagining they are the star. They play football or other sport, as if they are the champion. Let's face it, we've all probably done it when we were much younger. However, it shouldn't carry over into adulthood. Our future is in God, not some Pop or Movie Star who is here today and gone tomorrow.

Avid readers may base themselves on the hero of books that they read. They become totally transfixed by the person and act like them. Other people may drift into a dream world, where they fantasise about a different life style - one maybe of riches, living in a mansion type house in the countryside. Or they play a CD and pretend that they are the star singing and they imagine themselves on the stage with crowds applauding them. As they do this, for a few moments they can actually believe that this is a reality. However, it isn't and coming round from the fantasy can be disappointing as they have to face their real world.

Again, some people can be so engrossed watching soaps or dramas on TV, that they actually believe they are true and they find themselves thinking bad thoughts about the person who has wronged someone in the presentation. They really believe it.

Many times, all of this is about getting release and winding down - a place where we can hide or take our minds off the real world. But as we model ourselves on these people, we can become so much like them, that our whole attitude in life can change. It can affect our values and lead us off the rails. This may be the reason why so many young people become involved in violence and street crime, they live out what they have seen in films and videos.

Jesus really is our only true role model and mentor. As be base ourselves on Him, our life becomes much better. Spending time with Him, we become like Him and do and say the things that He would want us to. Actually, when you think about it, He's the only one we can trust! He's the only one that won't lead us astray. Imitating Him will not lead us into crime, it will lead us into Blessing and Glory. 

Our worldly héros may be good for a season but they will not lead us into Heaven. They will not heal our sick bodies or mend our broken hearts. We may be high at a concert or game, and that's good. However, that is just for the duration of the time spent there. Jesus is for life and He offers each one of us a future.

If you are searching for fulfilment in life; for peace, love and happiness, why not turn to the one that can help you achieve this - Jesus:

Lord Jesus, my life is a mess and I'm hurting, bruised and beaten up. I need you, I need a future, I need life. Please come and live in my heart, forgive me my sins, fill me with Your Spirit and be my Lord and Saviour. I ask in Jesus' Name. Amen

Let me know that you've done this. I would love to pray for you.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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