Sunday 19 January 2020

Enjoy your life and what you have - here

"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living."                                                   Psalm 27:13.  NKJV

Evangelists have a special gifting from God of being able to speak and convince people about Jesus, and this is great - much needed. However, it can be argued that at times, they focus more on salvation and eternal life, than on a person having their lives changed NOW and living a great life with God before they eventually go to Heaven. I know that I have done this myself when I've been preaching.

There is much more to life than just being saved and a place in Heaven. God wants to change people's lives. He knows where they've been and what they have endured - what they have had to suffer in life and He wants to change all of that so that their new life in Him, is full of joy, abundance and love; then at the end of their lives, there is a place in Heaven for them with Jesus. 

For some people, life has been very difficult of late. There have been hurdles to climb, tears have been shed and life has been turned upside down. But now, it's time to see the goodness of the Lord. It's time to move on - time to live again. You may be feeling this way. But if you belong to Jesus, you're in the land of the living and this is what we have to do. It is time to live your life to the full.

When David penned this Psalm, he had been through great ordeals and he states here that he would have given up (lost heart). But David knew one thing, God would show him a good life here on the earth until he went to Heaven. He could have given up but he would have missed out on all the goodness that God had for him. And this is where you come in. 

We know that there is a Heaven; and we know that it is a great place and we will have eternal life and live with Jesus, pain and sin free. However, until that time, there is a lot a living to live. Jesus has an abundance of joy and happiness for us, in fact, a life of Blessing (John 10:10). There is nothing you can do to change the things that have happened - they're gone. You've been written into a new chapter of a best selling book and God wants to fill the pages with excitement, adventure, peace, love and happiness. I don't know how or what He will do, but He will! You just need to trust Him and hold His hand as He takes you through the land of the living.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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" Then Paul stood up, and motioning with  his  hand said, “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen:   17  The God of this people  I...