Saturday, 8 February 2020

Do you think you've blown it?

"Assuredly, I say to you that this night , before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times."                                      Matthew 26:34.  NKJV

If you think you've let God down big time, then think again. Peter, who was devoted to Jesus, denied Him three time to save his own skin.

Jesus had been arrested and was facing death on the cross. He had predicted this. However, Peter had strongly said that he would never do this. But he did!

While Jesus was being interrogated by the Sanhedrin, Peter stood outside in the courtyard warming himself around a fire. Two servant girls came up to him saying that they had seen him with Jesus. But Peter said that they were wrong. He had never known Him at all. Shortly afterwards, some people who stood with Peter, also began to accuse him because of his Galilean accent. Peter lost it and cursed and swore saying, 'I do not know the man,'  Matthew 26:74. The rooster crowed.

Have you never done this? Have you never said a word out of place? We're human and at times, things get the better of us. Peter was a rough and ready fisherman; he was used to bad language, although he had been trying to get things right in his life, like you are.

As Peter denied Jesus for the third time, the rooster crowed and Peter remembered. Luke 22:61 records that Jesus turned round and looked at Peter at the time. This must have really hit him hard as he wept bitterly. He had blown it, He had denied Jesus. He had let Him down.

It's difficult to understand the pain and guilt that Peter went through at this time. But we get an idea when we consider the times we have let Jesus down badly. When we've done this, we just want to walk away; we feel so burdened; so awful and nothing we do can make us feel better. Peter felt like this, but notice, he kept on going. In fact, although he was feeling considerably depressed, he carried on his work, with the others, until a morning after the resurrection when he noticed Jesus preparing them all breakfast on the shore. John said, 'It's the Lord.' Peter didn't wait, he shot into the water and raced off to see Him, no doubt telling Him how sorry he was for denying Him. And later that day, Jesus restored Him.

And He will you too. If you've 'blown it,' tell Him you're sorry and He will forgive you (1 John 1:9). He's committed to doing this. It's a promise. He knows how difficult things can be at times. He's been there. He knows what temptation is like - although He never succumbed to this (Hebrews 4:15-16)

His word to you today is, confess your sin, accept His forgiveness and move on. There is nothing that can ever stop Him loving you. You're too precious to Him.

Look up, Get up and get on with your day. He sees no stain upon you.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard



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It will come in due season!

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."                                ...