Sunday, 9 February 2020

Listen clearly

"20 My son, give attention to My words, incline your ear to My sayings, 21 do not let them depart from your eyes, keep them in the midst of your heart 22 for they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh.                         Proverbs 4:20-22   NKJV

God uses Solomon to give clear directions to his son, which in turn will benefit us, as we take notice of them.
When people are speaking to us, especially in a counselling situation, we should show them good attending skills. This includes, looking directly at them, without making them feel as if we are boring into their brain. We should never be looking around, checking our watch or even answering the telephone. We should give them the chance to speak without jumping in and taking over. During the conversation, we should reflect a few words back to them, such as, 'So what you're saying is.' This shows them that we are with them, we are hearing them properly and giving them our attention.

This is what Solomon was saying. We should listen properly with both ears, not listening with one while we concentrate on what is happening around us. We need to listen properly. This was one of the problems with Eve in Genesis 3. She didn't listen properly to what God had said about the tree. He never said she could not touch it. This is how the serpent tricked her.

We're to incline our ear (v1) Basically this means to lean forward; to bow down the ear and listen properly. It is so important to hear what is being said correctly. Many is the time when we hear part of what is being said and get it all wrong. God's Word brings us wisdom and we need this. Seeking wisdom is the pathway towards life and good health. The way to gain this wisdom is only through the Word of God. To neglect reading our bible, praying or generally not having a quiet time with God is foolhardy. We just won't survive. Romans 10:17 says 'Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.' So if God tells us to give attention to His Word, then we need to heed this. 

God's Word brings life to us and that includes healing. 1 Peter 2:24 tells us we were healed by the stripes of Jesus but if we don't know this or confess it and stand on this promise, then the word means nothing to us and very little will change. It's the same with direction in life. We need to listen closely to what He directs us to do and where He tells us to go. If we don't listen closely, we can go off at a tangent and get things totally wrong.

When we step off the pathway God has given us, we need to know - immediately! The Holy Spirit guides us but we need to be in tune and connected with Him in order to benefit from this.

Are you connected to God? Do you hear Him? Are you spending enough time in His presence for Him to minister to you and bless and direct you? Only you know this - and God of course. If you know that you need to improve in this area, do it today. Get your bible out or buy a new one; be guided through daily study, prayer and guidance. If you do this, before very long, you will be so full of the blessing of God that people will not fail to notice and your life will take a turn for the better.

Lord Jesus, I will dedicate each day of my life to reading Your Word and getting to know You better. As I do this Lord, meet me during these times and let us have exciting times together.
In Jesus' Name, Amen

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard


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