Sunday, 23 February 2020

Running the race

"Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us - "   Hebrews 12:1.  NKJV

To endure means to persevere, so you get a good understanding about what this scripture is directing us to do. A thought though, if the Christian life isn't hard, then why do we have to run with endurance the race set before us. Some people think  that Christianity is all sweet and light but it is not, not by a long chalk. A look at how Jesus had to suffer on our behalf, let's us know this. 

We are surrounded by a 'great cloud of witnesses.' Does this mean that the hero's of faith are watching us; looking to see everything we do? No, it means that their lives; their testimonies may encourage us because, after all of their struggles, running the race, they were successful and overcame. 
Now, if you've ever run in a race, perhaps a marathon or some cross country, long distance event, you will know what a struggle it can be. Every muscle and nerve hurts and it would be so easy to give up. It takes all we have got to keep going - to endure and stick to the course. We should never look at the other contestants because it can be distracting and also intimidating to do so. We can lose focus and we need this to complete the task. Likewise, as a Christian in our daily race, we should look only at Jesus. He is the one who will get us through to the finishing line.

Verse 1 tells us that we should:

'lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us '

The word 'weight,' here does not necessarily relate to sin, although sin can be assumed as a weight in our lives. The weight here points to hindrances in our lives; things that get in the way of us doing our ministry, living for Jesus, hence, running the race that is set before us. 
Many things can get in the way of us doing what Jesus wants us to do and sometimes we have to be tough and disallow them from preventing us doing the work. There are times when family commitments may get in the way of our ministry. Now, we need to give time for our family but not at the risk of letting God down. At times, there are strong decisions that have to be made.

The, 'sin which so easily ensnares us,' is that one sin that repeatedly defeats us, the one which we continually fall for, the one that is so difficult to avoid. It ensnares us and even though we say that we'll never do it again, we do, because we're in its trap.

Jesus was at the start of the race with us and He'll be at the end too. However, during this race, we will need refreshment, encouragement and some physiotherapy. Jesus is a great physiotherapist. 
He knows what you need and He knows that you need to speak to Him about the 'trapped sin'. Therefore, why not let Him relieve your tensions and do some work on you. No one needs to know, except Him and he's a great listener too. 

Once you're free from the 'sin which so easily ensnares you,' you'll be able to run the race like you've never done before.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




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