Saturday, 22 February 2020

Change your thinking

"be transformed by the renewing of your mind."   V2
                                                                        Romans 12:1-2   NKJV

If we have a situation, an emotion and a conclusion, then the conclusion will always be determined by the emotion that was displayed during the situation. For example, if you go outside one morning and find that your refuse bin has been overturned and the contents are all over the street, your emotion could be anger which in turn will create an atmosphere within the home. If during the same situation, the emotion is a calm one - 'Oh well, we'll soon have this cleaned up,' type of thing, then the conclusion will be peaceful and the home will be the same. 

The mind needs to be renewed in order to prevent explosions of bad stuff that can bring unrest. This is not easy if you're a fiery sort of person but it is attainable with practice. 

The world tries to conform us into it's system, which is an ungodly pattern. Being transformed by the renewing of the mind, is just the opposite. So we have a battle going on - the conforming to the world's system or dealing with your mind. In other words, changing how we think and act. But how?

We need to keep watch on our feelings. Things like, 'They hurt my feelings,' are negative and a recipe for a bad reaction. Also, things such as, 'I didn't like that preacher today, they went on too long,' could be re-phrased more positively with, 'The sermon was a lengthy one today, I'm not too sure if I agree with what was said, but I'll mull it over.' this last reaction is less accusatory and shows a willingness to learn. Also, 'My wife or husband had a go at me today about leaving my stuff around the place. This gets on my nerves.' This can be re-phrased into, 'My partner wasn't happy with the mess I leave around the place. I think they may have a point; I'll tidy up when I get home.'
It all comes down to re-training the mind and thus, helps what comes out of our mouths. 

Feelings are something we have to live with; but we can train ourselves to react to them in a more positive way. Our minds can feed us with things that are just not true, or have a half-truth about them. We need to grasp hold of those bad thoughts and take them captive. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) This way, we give ourselves time to consider them and make a more sensible reaction to them - if at all.  Our thoughts can lead us into depression, anger, to be critical and have bad moods just to mention a few. Even though we are Christians, we are still susceptible to bad thoughts and uncontrolled feeling and emotions, but we can take them under our wing. Often we have a 'My glass is half-empty,' mentality instead of the opposite. We need to refuse to think such negativity because the 'My glass is half-empty,' mentality instead of the opposite can lead us astray. What we believe is happening, may not be happening. Our minds can play tricks on us because it does not have the whole facts so it comes up with an alternative. And we can begin to believe it.

What you begin to believe, will come about. Look what Job said:

'For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me and what I dreaded has happened to me.   Job 3:25

We know that the devil was given free rein to hurt Job and attack his family but perhaps his thinking could have helped him out a little, initially. It was a self-fulfilled prophecy. What you confess, you get. 

We can all suffer peer pressure, when at school and later into adulthood. There can always be the, 'Keeping up with the Jones',' or being told that some substance or type of behaviour is good for you, you need to join in. 'Be like us, or else.'
The Philips New Testament puts Romans 12:2 like this, 'Don't let the world squeeze you into its mould.'

Don't give up, you may blow it over and over again, but if you determine to renew you mind, you'll be successful; probably not overnight but you'll get there. Ask Jesus to help you.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




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