Friday, 21 February 2020

The Thomas Faith

"Do not be unbelieving, but believing!"  V27     of  John 20:24-27    NKJV           

Be honest, who hasn't felt this way at times? Who hasn't been tempted to say, 'I don't believe that.' We can all be tempted to feel this way periodically, especially when we hear about miraculous testimonies of what Jesus has done in someone's life. We've been tempted to think, 'Are they exaggerating here?'

Skepticism can be rampant at times like this. Thomas never lacked courage; he was willing to go with Jesus and die with Him if needed. However, he was a pessimist. His glass was half-empty, until someone filled it. He needed to balance things; count the cost and mull it over before leaping into action. He wanted proof first. If he had been one on the priests who had to step into the Jordan river before it acted, he would probably be still standing on the bank. But He loved Jesus. There was no doubt about that, and we can be just like him at times.

When Jesus visited the upper room and revealed Himself to the disciples, Thomas was not there. People have debated where he might have been over the ages. Remember, it was a dangerous place to be after Jesus had been crucified. This is why the others were tucked away in the upper room, so that they were hidden.

One of the most believable reasons Thomas wasn't with them was because of his emotions. People grieve in many different ways. Many want their loved ones around them for comfort. However, others want to be left alone to work through the pain themselves. Perhaps Thomas was like this. He was missing Jesus and needed to work things out alone and when he had, about a week later, he went to be with the others and Jesus re-appeared to them all. 

Jesus said to Thomas, 
'Reach your finger here and look at My hands and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.' V27

William Barclay says,

'There is something very lovable and very admirable about Thomas. Faith was never an easy thing for him; obedience never came readily to him.He was the man who had to be sure; he was the man who had to count the cost. But once he was sure, and once he had counted the cost, he was the man who went to the ultimate limit of faith and obedience. A faith like Thomas' is better than any glib declaration and an obedience like his, is better than any acquiescence which agrees to do a thing without counting the cost and then goes back upon its word.
                   Copyright 1955 William Barclay, The Gospel of John Commentary

Some people have faith to move mountains, instantly or stand on God's Word until their request is manifested. Others, like Thomas, are more skeptical about things and like to think things through first. But both of these interpretations of faith compliment each other, very well. Thomas had faith, but it was the Thomas faith. What is yours?

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




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