Thursday, 5 March 2020

God's Benefits Part 2

"1 Bless the LORD O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. 2 Bless the LORD O my soul and forget not all His benefits. 3 Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases. 4 Who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies. 5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."
                                                                          Psalm 103:1-5.  NKJV

Let's continue our study of God's Benefits and look firstly at:

David Guzik tells us:

'God's greatness extends beyond sparing us from sin, disease or trouble. Through God's blessing, we are crowned with His great love and mercy.'
                                                                            David Guzik Enduring Word

God is so kind and loving towards us, it would be impossible to realise how much in a million lifetimes. He just thinks that we are wonderful. That doesn't mean that He will put up with all the things that we do. There are somethings that He feels, we need to limit. There are some relationships that we need to look at and determine whether they are wholesome to continue to be a part of. There are some friendships that are not good for us - they are able to lead us astray. You know the ones. Whenever you are in the presence of certain people, they may do or say things that are not in line with our faith. If you're with a gossip for instance, you can be so easily dragged into this conversation. If you're with someone who is critical or speaks unwholesome words, then, don't you think it's time to draw back? 
We are Kingdom people, kings and priests unto God. We have been crowned and we should act as such in all we do and say and wherever we go. He has set us free, let us not be tempted to look back at what we left.

People throughout the world are looking for something - for comfort, peace, excitement, satisfaction and love. They will not find this with what the world has to offer. Drugs, booze, gambling, sex and whatever else takes their fancy, does not bring a permanent fix. It is temporary because the world is fake compared to what Jesus Christ has to offer. Having a load of cash is helpful at times and can provide luxuries. But they can be taken away in the blinking of an eye. Having them is like building a house on the sand. major problems come along and the house collapses, leaving the owner with nothing. The one who builds his house on the Rock (Jesus) withstands all  the major problems that come its way. (Matthew 7:24-27)
Jesus satisfies every part of us and He is all we need.

The life that we have in Jesus is secure. We can feel content because He is in charge of everything - if we let Him be. We may wake up feeling drained as if we haven't slept; we can have the problems of the world on our shoulders, we can see no way out, but when we look at Jesus, when we give Him the things that are troubling us - leave them with Him instead of trying to help Him - we can be sure that He will take care of our needs. We then feel renewed.

You may feel unworthy and down in the dumps; like there is no way through this mess that you're in right at the moment. But there is a way - Jesus. But He doesn't just click His fingers and everything is ok. He expects something from us - Faith, Love, Obedience and our Commitment to Him.  God's benefits far outweigh anything that the world will ever be able to offer, but it means you trusting Him, giving of yourself to Him and being faithful to Him.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




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