Read 1 Kings 19:1-18. NKJV
When we consider the work that Elijah had done, it is difficult to see him in this state. He had prayed for a drought, he had humiliated Jezebel's prophets and then put them to death, he had then prayed that the drought would end and it had, and yet, he had run away from Jezebel because of her threats to kill him. Now he is hiding away praying that he might die.
No one is exempt discouragement and depression. It can happen to the strongest of us. People can do the most amazing of things, really thriving in their particular world, and then, the next minute they can be in a heap. This may be where you are at this time.
Disappointments are inevitable. They are part of life and happen to us all. But discouragement is a choice. Our physical and mental condition can get on top of us. We become tired and worn out; trodden on and beaten up, taken for granted and passed over. The problem is, the discouragement we feel can lead us into a dark void of depression where we begin to feel useless and unwanted. After a time, we may begin to feel sorry for ourselves, having negative conversations in our minds where we blame others for the position that we're in. If left, this condition may worsen and we need medication to help lift us out of this despair. We don't want to eat and find it difficult to sleep properly - waking up at all hours with the endless pressures on our mind. This is why the angel of the Lord came to Elijah with food and drink. He needed to strengthen himself so that he could think more clearly.
Charles F Stanley, uses a great acronym to describe this condition. He calls it
H.A.L.T = Hungry, angry, lonely and tired. He says of this:
'Be very careful, because you are especially vulnerable to sin and disheartenment. Before giving up or taking a rash course of action, stop and seek God. He will refresh you and give you the strength to continue.'
God said to Elijah, 'What are you doing here?' (V13). He was in the wrong place. Elijah had allowed himself to be discouraged and then depressed. He had succumbed to the stress of everything and he had run away. Does that sound familiar? The man who only a short while ago had done great things was now hiding, in a cave.
Psalm 42:5 is a great scripture to help in times of need. It says, 'Why are you downcast, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, for the help of His countenance." In other words, seek God and speak words of encouragement to yourself. We can become used to living with discouragement - pity parties come to mind. But it is our choice to remain in this state of mind and only we can make that choice.
Joshua 1:9 says, 'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.'
This is an awesome promise, so take courage, He is right beside you, fighting for you and there is absolutely no need to be afraid.
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
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