Wednesday, 6 May 2020

God thinks you're very good.

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you, will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."                                Philippians 1:6.  NKJV

So, God has started a good work in you, Hasn't He? No? Are you born again? Have you given your life to Jesus? If the answer to these two questions is, yes, then you can be sure that He has started a good work in you.

Firstly, I would class you as a good work. God doesn't make mistakes. He created you and He considers that what He has created is a good work. You may not agree, but let's look at this. He knows what he is doing. Now that you have made Him your Lord and Saviour, you have given Him permission to change the rough bits about you. To tweak them a little bit. Now this can take a bit of time. For some, a lifetime. The more that you co-operate with Him, the sooner He will get you into the position He needs, to do His work.

Secondly, you can be confident about this, God is. He is confident about the good work He has started in you. He feels good about it and so should you too. Stop and think for a moment. The God who created the world is confident about the work He has started in you. Jesus died and rescued you from an eternity in hell. What for? Because he loves you; but there's more. He is confident that He can build you into a person who can make a difference - a history maker!

Thirdly, you're not there yet. You know that you're not. There's a lot of rough edges that need His attention. But He is confident that the good work He has started in you, He will complete. You are His work in progress. 

Do you have confidence in your own ability? Do you believe that God is perfecting you? God has so much confidence in you, that:

'God saw everything that He had made and indeed it was very good'
                                                                                  Genesis 1:31.  NKJV

Note the words, 'very good.' This is the way He feels about you and the way He wants you to feel about yourself. Therefore, build yourself up in the confidence of God. Start thinking, 'very good,' things about yourself; and when you do, you'll be in agreement with God. And that's always 'very good.'

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