Monday, 22 June 2020

Are your Insurance Premiums paid up?

"Rejoice because your names are written in Heaven"

                                                                                                    Luke 10:20.  NKJV

Whenever we have an accident, something gets stolen or we lose something when we're out and about, it's reassuring to know that we are covered by insurance and that the premiums are all paid up to date. If we have no insurance then we can't expect to receive anything back.
Many people don't bother with insurance, believing that it's a waste of time and money - 'Nothings going to happen, it's too expensive anyway.' That is, until it does and then that can be a great loss. In a similar way, many people ignore their salvation. Some feel there is no God - 'There's nothing after death'. How shocking it will be when they discover differently at the end of their lives. But by then, it will be too late.
Others keep putting it off, 'I'll think about it, but until then I've a lot of living to enjoy.' There will be 'no living to enjoy', if they suddenly die and have not made a commitment to Jesus. Again, it will be too late. At death, there are two destinations - heaven or hell. There is nothing in between. Without Jesus, we're already on the way to hell no matter how good we are being. We need Jesus. He has the key to heaven and as soon as we give our lives to Him, our destination changes - our names become written in heaven and when our lives come to an end, that is where we will reside, safe in His arms.
It isn't a game. We cannot gamble with our salvation. We need to consider where we want to be - right now! When we die, it is too late to make that decision. After death, there are no second chances and it doesn't matter how good we have been during our life. Jesus is the only way into heaven. To gamble with our salvation would be like taking insurance out on something after an accident and expecting a pay out. It doesn't work like that, neither does your salvation. It's rather like catching a train with only two destinations to choose from. We have to make a choice and that choice will determine where we will end up.
You may already be a Christian but you may have drifted away a little or may need to rededicate your life to Jesus. Alternatively, you may never have made that choice but today you have that opportunity. Why not make sure your insurance premiums are paid up to date:

Lord Jesus, please come and live in my heart and forgive my sins. I give my life to You to be used as You see fit. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and be my Lord and my Saviour from this moment. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Welcome, you have been born again

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