Saturday, 20 June 2020

Why not now Lord? Final Part

"(53)Then from that day on, they plotted to put Him to death. (54) Therefore Jesus, no longer walked openly among the Jews ..."  

                                                                                                        John 11:45-57.  NKJV 

In conclusion to our study of the account of Lazarus, we see Jesus performing the most amazing of miracles - raising Lazarus from the dead and many people are in awe of this feat; others are criticising Him and now there is a plot to kill Him.
This was life for Jesus, and to a degree, it is the same for anyone who makes a stand for Him. If we put our neck on the chopping block, we can be sure that the devil will try to chop our head off. He's not our friend

Families can be separated because a member declares that they have become a Christian. Persecutions may follow. In some countries today, Christians are imprisoned and even executed for their faith. There was a popular song a few years ago entitled, 'I never promised you a rose garden'. And this is so true.

The disciple Thomas, who is often referred to as Doubting Thomas, had to be careful because he was also known as the twin (11:16). This was because he had an uncanny resemblance to Jesus. So wherever he went, it was understandable that he had a few doubts. 

Before Jesus' death, afterwards and even today, to declare that you're a follower of Jesus can be risky  in some areas of life. Persecutions can come in our jobs, where we can be passed over for promotion because we're 'religious'. When certain people hear about our faith, it can bring division and sometimes heavy debates about, 'If there is a God, then why does He allow...'. We've all heard this one.

If persecution and hatred came to Jesus, you can bet it will come to you. But one thing is for sure, when we make a stand for Jesus; when we speak about Him and lead people to follow Him; when we share His love to a hurting world and when we live our lives for Him, He is so grateful to us and is with us, every step of the way.

He knows what you've been through. He knows accepting Him was costly and one day He will welcome you into His heaven and give you the biggest hug that you've ever had. At the end of the day, He didn't promise us a rose garden. The garden He promises us has the Tree of Life in it!


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