Friday, 19 June 2020

Why not now Lord Part Four

"Take away the stone" (v38)                                                                   John 11:38- 44.  NKJV

As soon as Jesus commanded that the stone be taken away from Lazarus' tomb, the devil and all the demons surrounding the tomb, were petrified. The devil had robbed Jesus of His friend and Mary and Martha of their brother, and he was satisfied that he had brought pain into their lives. However, he underestimated the power of Jesus. He didn't think that after four days that Jesus would try to raise Lazarus from the dead. But he had a shock. He is no match for the awesome power that Jesus has. That day, he had no power to prevent Jesus doing what he had set out to do four days earlier. He commanded the stone to be taken away and things began to happen! He stood outside the tomb and demonstrated His power by declaring in a loud voice, full of authority, 'Lazarus come forth,' and Lazarus did just that.
Jesus spoke with authority and He showed the devil who really is in charge. There is nothing that He cannot perform for each one of us. 'Is anything too hard for the LORD' (Genesis 18:14). Nothing is too hard for the Lord. Nothing. And we need to grasp hold of this fact. But let us look a little closer at verse 44:
'And he who had died  came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, 'Loose him, and let him go'.
Lazarus was shackled. He was alive but there was nothing he could do whilst his hands and feet were tied. He needed to be loosed.
By wearing these grave clothes, he was identifying with death. They needed to be taken off and a new set of clothes given to him.
Lazarus was unable to speak properly because of this restraint.
When Jesus said 'Loose him', all of these restraints were taken away from him and he could function properly. Let me ask you three questions:
(1) Have you been bound hand and foot, so much so that you are going nowhere?
(2) Have you felt your ministry and walk with God is dead and you're identifying with
     spiritual death?
(3) Does it feel like your mouth has been stopped and you cannot speak up for Jesus?
Today, stand up and let Jesus take the stone away from the staleness of your spiritual walk. He has commanded, not only to Lazarus, but to you too, that you be loosed and be set free. If this is you, then let us pray:
Lord Jesus, I have felt that my hands and feet are bound; that I am spiritually dead and that my face has a cloth over it, hindering my speech. I turn to You Jesus and I receive, by faith Your touch that says, 'LOOSE HIM/HER AND LET HIM/HER GO,' In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard



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