Thursday, 11 June 2020

Be Obedient!

"(5) Whatever He says to you, do it!"                                        John 2:1-11.  NKJV

This really was a profound statement that Mary made to the servants. If only, we would abide by this, we would rarely have any problems. Life would be peaceful. Sadly, it's not this way; we as human beings, have minds that occasionally can be stubborn, rebellious and totally of the flesh.

Jesus, His mother Mary and the disciples, had been invited to a wedding in Cana. We don't really know where Joseph was, but he may have died by this time. This would have left Jesus as the bread winner, supporting His mother and siblings, until they in turn, were able to support the family.

Mary knew her son Jesus, but would have been perplexed at times because of who He was. Whenever, something went wrong, she would instinctively turn to Him for help and this was what was happening here. It would have been socially disastrous for the bridegroom that the feast had run out of wine, and so, she turned to Jesus for help. He appeared to refuse her request initially, but Mary believed in Him. This was why she spoke to the servants with, 'Whatever He says to you, do it!' She didn't know what Jesus would do but she was sure He would do the right thing and save the day.

And this is the same for us. We plead with Him to help and nothing appears to happen. But we can be sure that something will. He will do the right thing; He will save the day. We must though, stick to what He says, it is so important. Whatever He tells us to do, we must do it; and do it exactly the way He tells us. Moses found this out to his peril. God had told him to speak to the rock so it would yield water. However, because of his anger and frustration with the people, he struck the rock twice with his rod and this disobedience cost him from going across to the Promised Land. (Numbers 17:8-12)

It is so important to get close to God and listen carefully to what He is telling you. Don't be distracted by people saying you have got it wrong. If God has told you to do a particular thing, then do it.

So therefore, what is God saying to you today? You may not feel it is significant but if He has told you to do a certain thing, it would be wise to get on and do it.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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