Monday, 15 June 2020

There's no need to be scared

"It is I, do not be afraid"                                                   John 6:15-21.  NKJV

Following the miraculous feeding of the Five Thousand, the people were in awe of Jesus. They wanted Him as their king to prevent Roman oppression such as there was in Judea under Herod. They wanted to force this issue; to manipulate Jesus with kind words, but Jesus was having nothing to do with it. He knew it was a temptation from the devil to make Him king. Jesus knew that He would eventually be the King of all kings and wasn't going to manipulated into the schemings of the evil one.

Instead, He went to Hs secret, solitary place - the mountain, as we discussed the other day. He knew He could find solace and strength there. He knew that He could seek His Father's advice, direction and comfort. This is why the secret place is so important to each of us. We need it. 

Later, Jesus walked on the water to be with His disciples. He had heard their panic - their cries for help when they were in the turbulent water, and He was there to help them. 'It is I, do not be afraid' He told them and all was peaceful. Several things come to mind here:

(1) Watch the flattery; the words that can seduce you into doing what you shouldn't do - to jump the gun, dashing into something that seems so right for you, but really, is a counterfeit experience from the evil one.

(2) Remember the importance of your secret place - the place you go for your quiet time with Jesus. It is vital to do this. This is why Jesus went there and He knows far better than us.

(3) There is no need to be afraid at all. Fear is from the evil one and the opposite of faith. Fear can keep you rooted to the spot, afraid to take a step forward. It robs you of all Jesus has for you. Take His words to heart, 'It is I; do not be afraid.'

There was a mighty miracle that day. The disciples had feared drowning, they were losing control of their boat. They were possibly only halfway to their destination when this happened, fighting against the wind and making little progress. Then Jesus turned up and they invited Him into the boat and, immediately, they were at dry land. It was miraculous. Certain death and devastation was over-ruled when they invited Jesus into their situation. Did you get this? Certain death and devastation was over-ruled when they invited Jesus into their situation. 

Do this for yourself and expect a miracle!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard


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