Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Why not now Lord? Part two

"Your brother will rise again"  (V23)                                                 John 11:17-27.  NKJV

When Jesus arrived in Bethany at the home of Martha and Mary, He found that Lazarus had been dead for four days. We often wonder at the fact of Jesus delaying visiting His friend for so long, but another explanation for this may have been old Jewish superstition. It was believed by many at that time, that after someone had died, the soul would remain at the graveside waiting to see if the body would be resurrected. Jesus knew He would raise Lazarus back to life, but didn't wish for the people to believe it was through superstition but through the glory of God. He wanted people to see God's power and believe.

Martha was disappointed that Jesus hadn't come straightaway, but she still demonstrated her faith in Jesus by saying, 'But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You' (v22). Jesus replied, 'Your brother will rise again' (v23). Martha took this that Jesus was referring to when they would be re-united in Heaven. But Jesus meant now!

How do you handle disappointment? Mary was at home probably praying about the situation, while Martha had run out to meet Jesus when she had heard He was in the vicinity. It could be taken that Martha was a little angry with Jesus for not turning up in time. But she always said it as it was and couldn't hide her disappointment. However, she still believed that Jesus could change things. She said, 'Even now' (v22). What she meant was 'I know You can still do this.'

Do you believe that of Jesus? When you feel let down, can you say, 'Even now Jesus, I know You can do this'. This is the attitude that we need to adopt. We ask God, we believe we have what we ask for and by faith we receive it. (Mark 11:24) This is the faith Jesus wants us to live by, 'Even now Lord, no matter what, I know You won't let me down. Even now, You're at work performing what I have asked You for.'

You may have been asking God for healing; for provision; for that special job that you are qualified for or for that break you have been waiting for. Don't become disappointed that it has not happened yet. 'Even now' God can do it. Check your heart is right with God, that you have no unconfessed sin and that you're in the position that God wants you in. If not, make some adjustments, and then wait because, 'Even now', God can bring your miracle to you.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard


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