"Cast your burden on the LORD and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." Psalm 55:22. NKJV
When we give our problems to Jesus, He will respond! The definition here for the word, 'Sustain,' means to supply, support, hold up, protect and defend. God will support, nourish and provide for any person who acknowledges that the burden of cruel treatment is one that only the Lord can handle. We need not fear because Jesus can handle any problem or difficulty we face.
Whatever you may be going through at this time, is no problem for Jesus to handle, as long as you give it to Him. He can blow it away in one breath and will not let you be 'shaken' (moved) v22) by it. When a problem comes along, it can shake us into a panic and then, fear begins to kick in. Psalm 56:3-4 says, 'Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. (4) In God (I will praise His Word), In God I have put my trust. I will not fear, what can flesh do to me?' In other words, we need to face fear head on by giving it all to Jesus. We can quickly release concerns and worries to Him, who wants to carry them for us.
When someone has wronged us, it is so easy to fly off the handle and take charge of it ourselves. When we do, God sits back and watches the mess we're making for ourselves. This is not the way to go. God's way is for us to cast it all over to Him and allow Him to handle the problem. A word of caution here - when we give something over for God to sort for us, we must not still hold bad feelings in our heart. If we do this, we're hanging on to it, thus, still involved. God's Word tells us, 'Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse.' (Romans 12:14). This is so difficult when all we want to do is go and rip the person's head off; but we need to bless them. Then in Romans 12:17, it says, 'Repay no one evil for evil'. In v19-21 it further reads, 'Vengeance in Mine, I will repay - do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.'
I like what Dr Oswald J Smith says in his book, The Passion for Souls, 'No Attack - No Defence'; and it is well worth adopting this method.
I Peter 5:7 reads, 'Casting all your care upon Him for he cares for you.' In other words, transfer the pain of betrayal, gossip, false accusations and the like, over to Jesus. Transfer them by uploading them to Him. He's very responsive to this and WILL handle it fairly and properly. He won't let you down. Don't attack anyone by words or deeds and there is no need to defend yourself either. Your Lawyer, Jesus Christ has brought justice to all cases placed in His hands. He will for you as well. However, you must do it His way, not your own!
Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard
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