Monday, 24 August 2020

God doesn't use empty words

 "So shall My word that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
                                                                                                              Isaiah 55:11.  NKJV

God never uses empty words; His words are backed by faith and full of power. God's Word, 'Seals the Deal'. His promises and plans are as sure of fulfilment as the fact that it rains and snows. (v10). The rain and snow water the earth, bringing refreshment for the crops to bear fruit, giving seed to the sower. Note this, it accomplishes what it is sent to do and it's the same with God's Word.

Smith Wigglesworth used to say, 'If God said it, then I believe it and that settles it.' He trusted that God's Word was the final authority. God doesn't speak empty words, or 'Just talk'. When God speaks, His Word accomplishes His intended purpose. It never fails. 

If God has told you something, then it will come to pass accomplishing what it was sent for. Therefore, if God tells you something, then get in place for this to happen. Look for example at Noah. God told him to build an ark in the middle of dry land. On completion, he was to fill it with his family and two of all creatures. It must have appeared ridiculous to many people but to Noah, God had spoken and he would obey. True to His Word, the great flood came and only those who were in the ark survived. The others perished. God's Word never fails.

Some things that God tells us can appear quite strange at first but as we trust Him, He gives us more awareness of the situation and then it comes to pass. It really comes down to our faith, this is when we're tested. But we serve a 'God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist, as though they did.' (Romans 4:17). Faith really is the only way to live because, 'Without faith, it's impossible to please God.' (Hebrews 11:6). 

There's a world full of unbelievers and God loves them. We need faith to reach them, to speak with them and to pray with them. God has called you to bring people into the Kingdom. Yes you! (Matthew 28:19-20). This is our mandate and it can't be ignored or altered. Yes it's true, some are pastors, teachers and evangelists, but we're all called to tell people about Jesus. People need healing, setting free from demonic possession, loving and much more. God has sent His Word out, so grasp hold of your mandate that His Word will not return empty.

We're in Team Jesus. Speak to whom you can about Him; pray with them, even if it's in the street. If you are obeying His Word, it will accomplish what it is sent to do. You may not see the harvest, but healings will happen, lives will be saved and changed, all because, you believed and obeyed.

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It will come in due season!

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."                                ...