Tuesday, 25 August 2020

The feeling of being loved

"I in them and You in Me that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them as You have loved me."
                                                                                                           John 17:23.  NKJV

Everyone likes the feeling of being loved. The majority of people want this, together with being liked and popular. It's a normal reaction. But sadly, that is not always the case and for some, it's easy to begin to feel a little insecure, especially when you're ignored or not chosen for a particular task.

Today's text is an extremely profound statement, in fact, it is amazing. Just stop and think, the God who created the universe and sent His one and only Son to save our souls, actually loves us as much as He does Jesus.

God said to me on 9th November 1999, 'If people would grasp and believe this truth, it would revolutionise their whole life.' And it is true. Just stop and meditate on this fact for a moment or two. It has the potential to blow you away. Dare to believe it.

One of the big things that the world suffers from, is insecurity. We need to feel that we belong and that we are valued. If not, it can mess us up completely. When we're insecure, we can walk into a room and see a bunch of people laughing and joking and we can convince ourselves, they're talking about us. On occasions, this can be true, but many times it is our own imagination running wild. 

Insecure people find it hard to believe that someone loves them because they're always looking for an ulterior motive. At some particular time in their life, they were hurt badly and they've grown to believe that this is life and nothing will ever change. Just looking at a social worker's  caseload   would prove my point here. Their whole life is built around mistrust and this can cause problems in future relationships.

Most of the time, the things that an insecure person struggles with, are lies from the devil and there is a need to stop believing these lies. However, there may be a root buried deep within a person that needs prayer, in order to be set free from it's clutches. 

If this is the case for you, bring this before Jesus right now. Seek the help of a trusted friend if possible but if not, come to Jesus and begin to grasp the fact that God loves you as much as He does Jesus, and He wants you to be free. Why not say this prayer with me:

Lord Jesus, please break the power of insecurity in my life. I realise that I am loved dearly, so I ask for Your help in delivering me from this place of hurt, doubt and confusion. I forgive anyone who may have hurt me so much that it made me feel this way; and I receive Your love and blessing from this moment. I am free.
In Jesus' Name. Amen

 Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

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It will come in due season!

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."                                ...