Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Jesus is alive, not dead

"Why do you seek the living among the dead?"                          Luke 24:5.  NKJV

At times, I believe that we act like Jesus is not alive; He can't do this and He can't do that. We believe deep down that He is alive, but our actions don't always bear witness to this. Non-believers don't believe that Jesus is alive at all, many refuse to consider that He ever existed.

Andrew Murray ( not the tennis player) in his book, 'Jesus Himself,' writes: 

'A dead Christ, I must do everything for, a living Christ does everything for me. This is the difference between a dead Christ, who women went to anoint and a living Christ'

Once a person has met with the living Christ, they know about it. They will never forget it. When Jesus had been crucified and laid in the tomb, women went to prepare His body with spices and such, but the tombs was empty. Two angels spoke with Mary and asked, 'Why do you seek the living among the dead?' It's recorded in John 20 that she said to the angels, 'they have taken away my Lord and I do not know where they have laid Him.' v13. As she turned around, there was another man there but she didn't know who He was; not until He spoke. She then realised that it was Jesus. v14-16.

It was a similar thing on the road to Emmaus. Two men were walking along discussing what had been happening, when Jesus joined them. They didn't recognise Him at first because, 'their eyes were restrained so they did not know Him' Luke 24:16.

Jesus is very much alive and there are possibly many times that He comes amongst us and we never recognise this fact. We need to recognise, that wherever we go, whatever we do and whatever situation we find ourselves in, He is right there beside us. When we say the wrong thing, the Holy Spirit gives a feeling of remorse. When we sense His presence, we can feel an amazing excitement, so intense, that it can be very difficult to speak.  He never leaves us.

There are many days when we feel inadequate; when we have a feeling of woe, doubting anything could take place. But we serve a living Christ, not a dead one. His Word tells us, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' Philippians 4:13. If we doubt, we may go without. We need to keep ourselves focused on Him. He is exciting; He has plans for us and can certainly change a situation for you.

Don't ever believe that Jesus is not around. He is, in fact, He is reading this with you at this moment. There are things He wants to do in your life; there are things He wants to say. Allow Him to. Grab hold of the excitement, relish in it, fly high in it. Your Jesus is alive and well - very much so.

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