Thursday, 1 October 2020

Flesh v Spirit

"For those who live according to the flesh, set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. (6) For to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace."   Romans 8:5-6  NKJV

One of the biggest detrimental factors here is our thoughts. What we think and dwell on. We can allow fantasy to rule, allowing our thoughts to take us where we know we shouldn't be going. These thoughts promote wrong desires - desires that can so easily lead us astray. We may try and deny that we don't think such things, but they just bounce back and drag us down further.

Casey Treat says, 'When your mind agrees with your spirit, you're spiritually minded; but when it agrees with your flesh, you're carnally minded.' This is how we now the difference, but will we admit or deny it?

Dr Caroline Leaf advises:  'ADMIT IT - QUIT IT - BEAT IT.'  Basically, this is saying that we need to change our focus.

Let's be honest here, it isn't as if we don't know what we are doing, what we're thinking and concentrating on. We know! We may try and sweep it under the carpet but it is still there. We're just deceiving ourselves. Like a fish we are hooked and the devil reels us in. Therefore, we need to admit that we have a problem here. We have to be willing to admit that the problem is leading us astray and be willing to quit it. That's a difficult one because straightaway our flesh will try to convince us that we need this. But do we need it? Isn't it just that we like it and don't want to give it up?

To beat the problem, we're going to have to be honest with ourselves and willing to allow God to set us free. He won't just do it for us - that's a cop out. We have to be willing to admit the problem first of all and then follow God's direction so we can be free. But, we must realise that it won't be easy; we have to do our bit.

No addiction is easy to quit! Yes, wrong thinking is an addiction. We can't live without it; we need it so we are addicted. That's the bottom line. Once we're willing to accept this, we are on our way to success.

It's all about allowing our thoughts to come into line with our spirit. If the flesh tries to intervene - which it will, give it the red card; kick it out of touch and refuse to allow it to take root. You can do this; we all can, 'If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.'  John 8:36

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