Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Lies and deceit

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. (5) casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." 
                                                                                             2 Corinthians 10:4-5.  NKJV

We're not dealing with flesh and blood here but against the devil and his demonic forces that try to take us out night and day. In this passage, Paul discusses warfare of the mind - arrogant rebellious ideas and attitudes, which he describes as arguments. The aim is to bring every disobedient thought into captivity and make it obedient to Christ. 

Note here in verse 5 where Paul mentions, 'every high thing.' May I put it to you that it is only classed as high because we make it so. Through schemings, the devil convinces us that a particular thing is more important or damaging than it actually is. He convinces us, if we allow him, to believe what he says, and the problem goes sky high.

Bill Johnson says: 'The enemy uses lies to make problems appear bigger than the solutions we carry.' In other words, 'Your prayers won't help in this instance. You've blown it, you will not get to Heaven now, you're a loser.' Do not believe him. He is a liar! Remember what Bob Gass says about fear - (F) False, (E) Evidence, (A) Appearing, (R) Real. If we allow him to, the devil will convince us of something and we'll end up believing the lie. Nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. Make your every thought subject to Jesus. If you continue to think about Him, the devil won't have the opportunity to get in. But the moment you drop your guard, he'll be there.

One of the Devil's favourite schemes is to attack the mind. If we allow him, he will sow seeds of doubt into our minds, and before too long, we'll begin to believe it. We'll be convinced that it is true. What he likes to do is convince us that our partner is being unfaithful to us. He'll twist it so much that the false evidence that he provides, does in fact appear real. When this happens, we're on a downward spiral. We could ask our partner if this is true - are they being unfaithful? But their response of, 'No' can fall on dear ears because we have been programmed to believe the lie. 

You may be undergoing this or something similar at this time. Don't believe the false evidence; take it captive and make it obedient to Christ. Get some proof seeking God first. 99.5% of the time, you'll be wrong and the stress and the heartache of it all will have taken its toll.

Seek God, don't believe the lie. If there is anything untoward, God will bring it to the light and reveal it. The solution to this problem is to cast it over to Jesus and refuse to believe the lie. Don't forget, one of the roots of 'Fear', is torment, and this comes from the enemy, not God.

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