Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Have you Humpty Dumpty Syndrome? Part 2

"The LORD is near to the heartbroken and saves those who are crushed in spirit (contrite in heart, truly sorry for their sin).                          Psalm 34:18.  The Amplified Study Bible

When sadness and depression settles into one’s mind, heart, and soul, it is not easy to shake the feelings off, break out of the rut, and move on as some may suggest or think. At times, inner despair remains regardless of the goodwill offered from those that care. If this sounds like you, realise you are not alone. Many others have or are currently battling with valleys of darkness too.

God is near to the crushed and broken-hearted. It can seem that you are beyond repair because you have lost so much. However, if you can hang on to your hope, you will make it. You may have lost something or someone most dear; it may be everything that you have worked for and this, can drive you into despair - the feeling that you want to withdraw from the world and hide away. Don't do that. Don't go within yourself. If there is nothing inside of you that can help, you don't want to go there, it has nothing to offer except more despair. 

People may be talking about you. They may feel that you have been unwise - even foolish. They may listen and say they're sorry but, they will then get on with their own busy-ness. That's life really. You may feel so alone but let me encourage you to take another look at our text. 'God is near to the heartbroken and saves those who are crushed in spirit.' It can't be any plainer that that. He cares, so do many others but the difference is, they have their own problems. God doesn't.

CBN says:
"Are you aware that numerous men and women of the Bible struggled with sadness? Yes, God-believing people experienced depressed feelings, emotional grief, and times of despair.

Set aside time for vigorous physical exercise. Walk three miles each day – it will help wash away anger and stimulate positive creativity. Smile while you walk – and notice all birds, trees, and children.

Seek out a godly mentor. Don’t isolate yourself. Maintain strong family and friend relationships.

Reduce TV watching and instead read or listen to inspirational material at least two hours daily.

Volunteer for a worthy cause. Helping someone else in need is a great way to ease the inward pain.

Forgive everyone in your life. Make peace with your past. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

Get a job – even if it’s not your dream job or a great career move. Deliver pizzas or work in a garden department to get moving in a positive direction while you continue to build for long-term success. 

At the end of each day, complete these two sentences:

"Today I am thankful for......"

"Today my most significant accomplishment was......."

Things will get better for you. The king's horses and the king's men, couldn't put Humpty together again, but I know a man who can and His name is Jesus.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

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