Saturday, 17 October 2020

He's your A to Z of your Life

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; (6) In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."          Proverbs 3:5-6.  NKJV

The above scripture was our baptismal text back in 1980 when my wife and I went through the waters of baptism, following our conversation. Forty years later, we are still trying to live this way but like us all, need a constant reminder of the way ahead. 

In days of pressure and torment, it is easy to forget that we have a God who is 100% for us, wanting to show the way through difficult and life-troubling events. Charles F Stanley writes: 'Any time we spend wondering about how to get out of a touchy situation is time wasted. God's guidance is more than sufficient for all the tests or trials we might have to face - but in order to benefit from it, we have to seek it out.'

When we don't know what to do about a given situation, the first thing we should do is submit it to God and then slow down and wait. Then, when we feel He has answered us, before we do anything, we need to ensure that we have a sense of peace to go along with the plans and ideas we have submitted to God.

If we just make up our own minds about a situation, it can be a recipe for disaster. Many people have made big mistakes - me included - by dashing in without praying first. God should be our first port of call. We need His guidance and His direction. However, to be able to do this, we need to trust Him with all of our heart. This is the bottom line; it underpins everything we belive in. If we can't trust God we are in big trouble. He's the only one we can fully trust. 

Look at it like this. When we go on a trip, we usually check the route out on a map or to be more up to date, a Sat Nav. This usually ensures an accurate plan of the route that we need to take. Without these things, it can be a little daunting to be lost in the middle of nowhere. In a similar way, we need Jesus as our Sat Nav. He knows the way 100% and will sweep the road of all obstacles that may be in your way. 

Learning to trust God is imperative, it is essential to a happy life. He's committed to us and wants us to be committed to Him. He wants us to rely on Him, asking Him the way ahead and what to do about a particular thing. He is our Father and wants to act as such to us - His children. 

Whatever you are deliberating about at this time; whatever is worrying you or whatever you have to do, put God first. Trust Him, Lean on Him, Acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. He knows the way; He sweeps the obstacles off the path in front of you; He's your Road Atlas, your Sat Nav, He's your compass; in fact, He is your A to Z of your life.

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