Sunday, 18 October 2020

Living by Faith

"But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."                                                                                Matthew 6:33.  NKJV

This is one of the most quoted verses in the bible. We heard it at Sunday school and church and preachers are still quoting this in their sermons in church and on God channels on the TV. Why? Because it is true. When we place God in the driving seat of our lives and trust Him to provide whatever we need, He blesses us.

Back in 1982, I successfully interviewed with the Elim Pentecostal Organisation and began my training with in-depth bible correspondance courses. At that time this was permissible and an alternative to full time bible college. God led me to a local Elim church, where I began serving, full time, in an assistant's role to the pastor. The only problem was, there was no financial remuneration, I had to trust God for our needs. I had a wife and two children still at home. My wife had a job but this only met the cost of the bills and basic shopping. 

We had learned the basics of faith but now it was time to put it into action; and we did. We never went short of anything. We came home one evening wondering what we were going to have for dinner and greeting us on the doorstep, was a piping hot crockpot of the best casserole I have ever tasted. We had money put through our letter box. We needed a car but couldn't afford to even run one, let alone buy one. My wife came home from work one night in a company car with all expences paid including petrol. Someone had lost their licence through drink-driving and God used their lack of wisdom to bless us. We prayed for clothes and found the most incredible bargains. At one time, I needed shoes, so I asked God. I looked in a shoe-shop window and there was a brand new pair of leather shoes, my size for only £1. You know something, those shoes never wore out. I ended up giving them away to a homeless chap who was equally blessed.

Yes, we cut our teeth on faith. God has shown us that as we trust Him, tithing what we owe to God, He will take care of the rest. It's not always plain sailing though. Sometimes, God will have you wait until the very last moment before what you need, arrives. James Hudson-Taylor once said, 'If we can only wait right up to the time, God cannot lie, God cannot forget. He is pledged to supply all our need.' And this is so true. God is faithful but you have to take Him at His Word to find this out. One thing He asks is that we honour Him with a tithe from what we receive. It may seem impossible to do this, but as you obey - putting Him first, miraculously you will find that He will bless you in return. You cannot outgive God, give to Him and He gives back, usully much more than you have given as well.

You may be struggling at this time. Let me encourage you; place God first in your life; decide to honour Him with your tithe and then trust Him. Read your bible, claim promiises such as the above text and watch how He looks after you. Sometimes, I see the birds eating some amazing stuff that they haven't paid for, yet God has supplied. If He will feed the birds, He will not neglect you. Read Matthew 6:25-34 in an attitude of praise.

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