Monday, 19 October 2020

Don't be stubborn like the mule - listen!

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye. (9) Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you."       Psalm 32:8-9.  NKJV

This Psalm considers how we need to allow God to direct our day and walk with Him. He offers to instruct us about the way forward; to teach us His principles; to direct our course in all things and guide us into healthy and prosperous living. However, if we are not tuned into God we will miss what He has for us. How can we hear properly if we are not listening? We can't. We need to be open on a regular, daily basis to what God has for us.

God quite clearly tells us in this Psalm of David, that He wants to be part of our lives. He wants us to get things right in all we do. Therefore, He is willing to show us the way ahead, but, are we willing for Him to do so. Let's be honest, often we consider that we don't need any help, we can do this on our own. One example is when we purchase a new implement for the home.  Very often the instructions are neglected and we press on putting it together only to find, it doesn't quite work properly. It seems to be a common practice, especially with men, that we don't really need to view the rules, we know how it is supposed to work. We can do this.

This all falls in with having a stubborn streak. We can be unteachable. As verse 9 says, 'Do not be like the horse or like the mule which have no understanding'. Isn't this what we are being when we tend to think that we know it all and don't need to be taught or shown the way forward? When we act in this way, we demonstrate that we have no understanding. Things may be okay for a time but pretty soon, they will start crumbling because we have no understanding - no root - no direction.

Many times, people are 'saved' and almost immediately, believe that they are called to be preachers or evangelists. They don't need any training or discipline. They believe God has called them and this all that they need. That may be so for the odd individual, but usually God expects us to have a time of training to gain the wisdom and knowledge that is required for this type of work. See how the disciples were taught by Jesus. He didn't send them out straightaway. There was a time where they had to sit at His feet and gain understanding.

We live in a very busy and unsettled time. Our lives can be stressful and the demands placed upon us totally over the top. Put this against living in a time of 'Lockdown', where there is uncertainty about where it is all going to end up and the worry of how we will manage if we lose our jobs or money. We need guidance. We need instruction and direction. In fact, we need Jesus! He is the only one that is certain in this whole world. He will never leave us or let us down; and what's more, He knows the way ahead.

This is why He offers to instruct us and teach us in the way we should go; but if we don't allow Him to do this, we are being like the horses and the mules - stubborn and on a crash course to possible ruin. 
Spend time with Him; allow Him to show you the way through the situation that you are in right now. Submit to Him and ask Him for guidance. Pray and read your bible and listen to what He says to you. It really does make sense.

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