Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Live in Expectancy

"This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." 
                                                                                                                  Psalm 118:24   NKJV

Each day we wake up to, is a new beginning - a new start. Basically, it is how we see it. We can either wake up and think, 'Oh no, here we go again,' or 'Yay, this is a new day and it's going to be a good one.' It's our choice. Forget yesterday with all the hassle; fix your eyes on today, yesterday has gone, it's in the past. We live for today not yesterday!

We have a choice whether to praise and rejoice in our new day or not. This is clearly seen in our text; 'we will rejoice.' It doesn't say, 'we will will not rejoice, we'll be miserable.' In fact, we need to go one step closer and personalise it with, 'I will rejoice. I will be happy, I will make the best of this day that I have been given.' There are many people who have passed on who would love this opportunity, do you get what I mean?

We need to be glad, happy, grateful and thankful. Jesus has saved us, healed us and rescued us. The title of this Psalm in my bible reads, 'Praise to God for His everlasting mercy.' The Greek for mercy is hesed which also means kindness, love and grace. Through God's mercy (Hesed) we are not consumed (wiped out). His compassion and Hesed are new every morning, they never fail. He is faithful. Taken from Lamentation 3:22-23. If you back up and look at v21, it reads, 'This I recall to my mind, therefore, I have hope.' In other words, remember what He has done for you in the past; turn around and change the way you think - your perspective of things. Do you realise that you control how you think today? It is down to the individual to choose, to the best of their ability, just how they will see themselves as the day pans out. Self-talk - the things you say to yourself through the day, should be positive not negative. There is enough negativity in this world today without creating some of our own. In fact, we can do ourselves a lot of psychological damage by what we say and think.

You may well have blown the day before it is hardly started with some unwholesome words or bad-temperedness, but Jeremy Pearsons says, 'My mistakes may be great, but His faithfulness is greater.' I love that. We do mess things up but as we say, Lord, I am so sorry,' hesed takes over and He forgives us totally. 

So change what comes out of your mind and mouth from negative to positive, turn from depression to hope and live in a constant state of expectancy. Create an atmosphere of expectancy wherever you are, it's catching and breeds encouragement and excitement. And excitement is where we should be; we serve an exciting God. You don't know what he is going to do from one moment to the next. So don't miss out, be happy, and healthy and blessed and anointed and filled with the power of God.



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