Saturday, 21 November 2020

The Holy Spirit and us. Part 2

"However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come."                                                                              John 16:13.  NKJV

What is truth? This was a question Pilate asked Jesus when he was speaking with Him prior to His crucifixion. John 18.38. There have been several interpretations of this verse over the years. Some say: (1) This was Pilate's cynical denial of the possibility of knowing what is the truth; (2) 'What does truth matter?' (3) Or Pilate may have meant that it is not easy to find truth, what does it mean? Whatever, Pilate knew that there was no grounds for a criminal charge, not for teaching the truth.

The Holy Spirit only speaks the truth and that truth is from God - the ultimate truth. This is something that Pilate could not understand; but we know if the Hoiy Spirit dwells within us. The words that the Holy Spirit speaks to us are not empty words, they are the truth from the truth. Jesus said to His disciples, '31 If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.' John 8:31-32. It's impossible to walk in a truth that you do not know.

The Holy Spirit will guide us in all we do, if we allow Him to. We all know the well known Proverbs 3 about this, '5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.' What the Holy Spirit hears, He will tell us and guide us along the way. He will advise us, warn us and enlighten us. He will direct us also because, He is the director of God's work. He is reliable. He will give us revelation as we take each step guided by Him and we will be on the road to success because we are guided by the truth.

This is why we need to spend time with Him and get to know Him. How much time should we spend with Him? All of it. He's not a pressure to us and He will never condemn us or hurt us. He always loves us and wants to give us the best, always willing to help. Where else in this world could you receive this - nowhere!

How can we possibly ignore the love that He offers? Don't forget that He is fully God. There are three persons in one - the Trinity. God the Father. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 3 separate persons but all one in God. And each one of them loves each of us enormously. Why? Because they are all awesome and they want each one of us to be the same.

Are you willing to be awesome and sold out for God?. Then make sure that you spend time with your friend - the Holy Spirit. He will always point you to Jesus, who points you to the Father. Complicating? Never. Ask the Holy Spirit, He will explain it all to you if you ask Him.

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