Thursday, 10 December 2020

A Glance at Philippians 4. Part Four

"and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."                                                           Philippians 4:7   NKJV

A person who entrusts cares to Jesus instead of fretting over them, will experience the peace of God to guard him or her from nagging anxiety, the kind that rips us apart and keeps us awake at night through worry. The peace that we receive is the reassurance that Jesus is on the case - it's in His hands.

Our minds can become a battle ground within us if we're not careful and, God's peace stands guard over our hearts and minds to prevent this. Be careful, if we allow ourselves to dwell on the worry for too long, it will become part of us and it will torment us until we're climbing the walls with doubts and fear. Give it to Jesus as soon as it surfaces.

After all that Paul had suffered - being beaten, imprisoned, shipwrecked and persecuted, he could still be secure in his relationship with Jesus. Why was that? It was because, he had a oneness with Jesus, he was joined to Him; rooted and grounded in a deep, intimate relationship with the King of kings. When we are like this, we experience a tranquility that cannot be explained, even if we try. Though everything is in pandemonium around us, we remain calm and comforted knowing that Jesus is in control, no matter what. This is because, when Jesus is with us, there really is nothing to fear.

Let's just back up for a moment to our discussion about the mind. It is too important to just gloss over it. People allow themselves to get into a fearful state because of what their mind is feeding them. If we have no foundation in Jesus, then the devil can feed lies into our minds that we begin to believe. They are so convincing that they become fact and nothing persuades us differently. We may tell ourselves that it is just imagination but it has so impacted the mind that we become certain that it is the whole truth. Occasionally, let's face it, it may be true. However, usually it is nothing but another lie sent to destroy us, to torment us and tear our lives apart. 

Listen, the devil is a liar; Jesus tells the truth. If you are faced with any issue such as this, then immediately give it to Jesus and let Him deal with it. If you've failed to do this and you're in a bad state, ask yourself who you trust - friend or foe, Jesus or the devil. Then speak to Jesus about this and allow Him to empty your mind of any unwholesome word that has penetrated it. And then praise Him for His kindness.

'Lord Jesus, empty my mind of any unwholesome word that the devil has brought into my life. I recognise it as a lie and with Your help right now, I loose myself from this so that I am free.
In Jesus' Name. Amen"

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