Friday, 11 December 2020

If you've blown it, ask God to forgive you.

"If we (freely) admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His nature and promises) and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness (our wrong-doing, everything not in conformity with His will or purpose).                                                            1 John1:9   Amplified Study Bible

When you've blown it - and you will at times, no matter how bad it is, repent and receive God's forgiveness and He will be true to His word and forgive you. This is why He died on the cross - it was in our place that He died and freed us from all sin and declared us not guilty. Well, when we repent, He continues to be faithful and forgives us and blots out all unrighteousness, because He knows that sin separates us from our Father.

When you have fallen into sin by throwing a wobbly or whatever else, repent and then refuse to walk about in shame. We tend to do this. We say we're sorry to Jesus but when we've been forgiven, we still walk around in a state of guiltiness. Don't do that. It is what the devil wants you to do. He likes to whisper to us, 'You'll never be forgiven now, you've blown it good and proper.' Don't listen to this lie. It is one of the devil's tactics to keep us in a place of condemnation. But, 'There is therefore now, no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.' Romans 8:1. We become not guilty and there is no punishment either - no being grounded for a month. We are forgiven.

Sometimes, it can be so difficult to be a Christian, we know what is right but many times, we don't do it, we do what we shouldn't do. The Apostle Paul struggled very much in this area and addresses it in Romans 7. Check it out and study it. Many times, we know what we should do and inwardly our mind tells us not to act in such a way, but we end up doing it anyway. There are many areas that we need to die to. When we become dead to an area, we hopefully have overcome it, because, dead men or women, don't react. It a great analogy of how a body, once it is dead, will not react to anything, no matter how hard we try. 

Ask yourself, what are the areas that I need to overcome? What do I need to die to? What is it that continually trips me up? Be honest with yourself and then talk to Jesus about them. He wants to help and wants to give you victory in these areas. Determine to put aside some time to address this with Him. It will probably be the best thing that you've done for a long time.


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