Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Be honourable in your marriage

"Then Joseph her husband, being a just man and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly."                 Matthew 1:19   NKJV

Mary was betrothed to Joseph, in other words, they were engaged. However, betrothal was an actual marriage; it could only be broken by divorce. Joseph was unwilling to put Mary through such an ordeal, so he decided to end the engagement quietly.

What an honourable man! Joseph was obviously hurting and he must have had emotional battles going on in his mind, wondering who? Where? When? We get a deeper upstanding of who Joseph was; not many men would have been willing to do this. Just imagine the mind games that he was suffering. It would have been an obvious response to believe that Mary had been unfaithful to him. His mind would have been in utter turmoil.

While he slept, an angel appeared to him and revealed the truth. Mary was of child, yes, but the baby was conceived by the Holy Spirit v20. When Joseph awoke, he believed that this was from God; he therefore, confirmed her as his wife.

Let us now fast-forward to our period. How many lives are shattered by adultery in marriage and in relationships? Partners suffer similar mind games that Joseph may have suffered. Sadly when a partner has been unfaithful, there is mostly no way back for the relationship and hearts are broken and if there are children, they suffer great emotional and psychological problems with the break up. God can repair such a marriage but, there has to be total forgiveness and honesty, together with submission to Jesus, if it is going to work. As I've said, many relationships break up leaving inner chaos to the family.

God holds marriage in very high regard. When a man and woman join together in holy matrimony, there are rules - vows, to uphold. A man and woman become one in God and He insists that there is no room for outsiders - friends yes, lovers, no!

When we wrong our wives or our husbands, we are wronging God. Just think about that and keep you marriage pure and yourself honourable.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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