Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Think things through properly

"But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart." v19
                                                                                                     Luke 2:15-20   NKJV

Don't be hasty. Don't rush in with all guns blazing; you may get it wrong and then there will be disaster.
The shepherds came in haste it states in verse 16, when they knew that the Saviour had been born in Bethlehem. They began making plans and suggesting this had happened and this spread the news around about Jesus. Herod heard about it and he felt threatened. This put Jesus, Joseph and Mary in a risky position. Mary however, didn't flap, worry or become fearful at all. She remained at peace; internalised what had happened and pondered it all. 

There are three types of people. Type A people, live life in the fast lane; they live on their stress and want to finish things before they've even started them. Everything is done in double-time opening the way for mistakes. They not only burn themselves out but others around them too.

Then there are the Type B people. They are totally laid back about everything and nothing tends to bother them at all. However, this may sound good, but many is the time when they don't get moving at all.

This brings us to Type C people. They have a happy balance between the other two types and things tend to go much better. They are achievers and get the job done efficiently. What type do you think that you are?

Stopping to think things through has got to be a winner. When we stop and analyse the possible 'fors' and 'againsts', it helps us to be prepared for unexpected obstacles. Dashing in like a bull in a china shop, is a recipe for disaster and upset. This is why, Mary pondered the situation. If she hadn't, it may have been a slightly different story.

Do you ponder things before you take action or, are you the one that takes action before it is needed - allowing words to come out of your mouth before you have even processed them properly? It is possible that you may need a re-tune by the Holy Spirit, so that you are running more effectively.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄


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