Monday, 14 December 2020

Be thankful

"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.' 
                                                                                                  1 Thessalonians 5:18   NKJV

No matter what the circumstances are, we must be able to see Him in every detail of our lives. This past year, we have had the fear of Covid all around us. There has been the misery of Lockdown and restrictions that we have all struggled with. Then of course, there are the new vaccines that are being rushed through and the thoughts of whether they will do the job or make matters worse. Now there is the Brexit scenario and what will happen from thereon. All around is uncertainty and fear and this can lead to frustrations and anger, anxiety and panic.

However, God's Word tells us, 'In everything give thanks.' Not, 'For everything give thanks,' take note of that one. We are not to thank God for all the things that are coming against us, but to give thanks whilst we are going through them. There is a big difference. Wherever we may find ourselves or whatever circumstances we may find ourselves in, God wants us to continually thank Him. Praise and thanksgiving brings release. Remember Paul and Silas in the stocks at midnight? (Acts 16). As they sang praises to God, it brought them release and freedom, and it will to us too. Let's face it, the things that we have just looked at can't be changed by us. We can do very little but God can and my hope is in Him. 

In 11 days time, it will be Christmas Day and the joy that will bring to young and older faces is well worth thanking God for. That very first Christmas in a manger in Bethlehem, the King of kings was born into the world and shone His light all around in the darkness. He brought peace and joy, love and hope and for that, He is worthy of our praise and thanks.

Things may not have gone the way you had hoped this past year, but up to now, you've made it and you have a hope within your heart, that things will get better further down the line. Only God knows what will happen, but one things for sure, as we are thankful and grateful to Him, in all circumstances, He will take our hand and lead us through.

Do you know something? He never stops thinking about us. We are forever on His mind. He just can't help Himself, we are always uppermost in His thoughts. Just a thought, if we did the same; if we never stopped thinking about Him; if He was uppermost in our thoughts, we wouldn't get in half of the trouble that we find ourselves in. Just a thought to mull over.

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