Sunday, 13 December 2020

Put it right

"When I kept silent, my bones grew old through my groaning all the day long."                 
                                                                                                                  Psalm 32:3   NKJV

We need to be happy and grateful that God has forgiven us our sins, that is, if we've asked Him to. God is not one who sweeps things under the carpet hoping that it will never come to light again. We can fool people but we can never fool God. He knows!

When we are hanging on to unforgiven sin, things will not go right for us. This is why David wrote this statement, 'When I kept silent, my bones grew old - ." When we try to hide something away, we live in fear that it may be revealed at some time and subsequently, our heath suffers, especially our mental health, where we can suffer anguish and worry.

Here, David wrote about hiding his sin away from God. He kept silent and refused to admit his sin and he suffered for it. He realised that it was not just his feelings that were attacking him, but the heavy hand of God. Psalm 32:4.

When we are in the wrong and have let God down, the Holy Spirit leans on us with a Spirit of heaviness until we repent and put it right. We may have argued with our spouse and there is no way that we are going to admit that it was our fault. Harsh words may have been spoken, words that pierce the heart; but we may consider ourselves, not guilty. Believe me, nothing will change until we put it right.
We may have had some heated words with someone else but we refuse to admit we were in the wrong. Again, we are going nowhere until we do. 

I am sure that you know the feeling when you have done something wrong. The Holy Spirit will not let you off the hook until you do something about it. If you wronged a person who is no longer around, you can confess this to God and he will forgive you. Otherwise, you can go to the person and ask for their forgiveness. If they won't, then you have done your bit and you owe them nothing. The rest is up to them.

The thing is - do something about it. None of us are perfect. We all say and do things we regret afterwards. Be brave and put it right, this is God's formula and He knows best.

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