Friday, 4 December 2020

Give and receive

"And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, 'They have no wine.'" 
                                                                                                               John 2:3-8.  NKJV

It is good to re-visit scriptures from time to time because, there is so much we can learn from them. Each time it can be different. Here, Jesus, His mother and disciples are at a wedding in Cana. Disaster begins to form when they run out of wine. Mary says to Jesus, 'They have no wine.' After a short deliberation, Jesus tells the servants to fill the large stone jars full of water, right up to the brim. They do this and draw some off and take it to the master where it is found to be the finest of wines. The day is saved.

We later see Jesus surrounded by a multitude of hungry people. However, there is no food. Jesus speaks with Philip, who puts on his accountant's head and informs Jesus that it would cost a great fortune to feed all of the people. (Lack of faith). While this is happening, Andrew joins the conversation informing Jesus that there is a lad there with five barley loaves and two small fish. (Suggestion of faith). Jesus, obviously speaks with the young chap and takes the small amount of food, thanks God for it and instructs the disciples to distribute the food to the people. The food has been multiplied and there is more than enough for all of them and no doubt, much left for the young lad too. (A harvest) John 6:1-11.

What had happened in these two events? Well, Jesus took what they had given Him and He multiplied it. And He is doing the same today. Let me tell you, it is impossible to out-give God. It can't be done. The more one gives Him, the more he gives back. Many people today are fearful of tithing. They hold back and then wonder why God holds back too. It is our duty to give God His share of what we receive. Some people say a 10th or 10%. However, if you give  God what He is owed, say for instance a 10th, of your income, this is called a tithe; anything over this is an offering and God will honour you and give you back a harvest on this one.

Many don't like this type of discussion and close down. I felt like this when I was first saved. If you're on a small income, it may seem impossible to tithe a chunk of it. 'How will we manage?' Very well actually, if you haven't found out already, then try it. However, don't fall into the category of robbing God of what He is owed. Read Malachi 3 to get an idea on this.

Everything we have, God gave us in the first place; our wives, husbands and children to name a few. They are on loan to us. Just think of all the things that God has given you. Then think of all He wants to give you as well. The bottom line is, 'we want from God and He wants from us'. It is a two-way circuit. He doesn't need the money, not at all. He just wants to see how much we trust Him with what He has given. Also, He wants our brothers and sisters in ministry to receive a decent living too, and this happens when we give our money.
Think about it. What God gives is good. But you've got to be in it, to win it.

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