Thursday, 3 December 2020

The Right Side

"Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." 
                                                                                                                      John 21:6   NKJV

Peter and some of the other disciples were missing their daily walks with Jesus and it was a deeply rooted loss. For Peter even more. He held himself responsible for letting Jesus down and no doubt held himself responsible for His arrest and death. It would appear that the others knew very little about Peter denying Jesus, as they didn't mention it. It was good to know that gossip was not rife in their circle. However, they all felt the loss, nothing was the same without Jesus. They were numb, bored and hurting. 

Peter decided that he was going fishing and the others followed. However, the night was unfruitful as they caught nothing. It may have been that their heart wasn't in their work. As daylight opened, a voice was heard from the shore, Some chap was having a BBQ and wanted to know if they had caught some fish. They shouted back that they hadn't. 'Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some'. They had nothing to lose and cast the net on the right side of the board, which was starboard. This was not as unusual as you think. Many times, someone would stand on the shore while some men were fishing in their boat. With the moon shining on the water, the person on the shore could see a shoal of fish round the boat, better than the fishermen could. So it was not so much of miracle but rather a lesson in trusting Jesus to come up with the goods, and He did.

They had a massive catch and were unable to draw it into the boat. John said to Peter that it was Jesus. With that, Peter plunged into the water and waded back to the shore, which was about 100 yards away.

That morning they had breakfast with the King and He cooked it. That is amazing in itself. Can you imagine Jesus cooking you breakfast? He probably would if He was still here in physical form. This brings to mind, what is the right side? We know it is the starboard side of the boat - the right hand side as one looks forward to the nose of the boat. But what was the significance of the 'right side'? It's simple, it is the right side - the right place to do things and Jesus knows these places. It is the right side to work on, the right place to go and the right side to do. Only Jesus knows what is the right side for each of us.

Probably you need to find the right side to do something or right place to go. Jesus knows and you need to seek Him. As you can see from this text, the disciples didn't call out to Him initially, but He was watching and when He directed them, they obeyed and received 153 fish - a mighty blessing for fishermen who needed to exist.

If He did it for them, He'll do it for you as well.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

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