Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Keep your feet on the ground

"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you; but rather rejoice because your names are written in Heaven."                                                                    Luke 10:20   NKJV

The more we get it seems, the more that we want. It's a very common thing in our world. Some people have lovely, expensive homes filled with every conceivable contraption possible and yet, they long to get more and more because a spirit of greed propels them forward. It seems to be the norm in the Western world. In churches (when we are allowed to go because of Lockdown restrictions) we can often hear the phrase, 'give us more Lord, much, much more'. The more we get, the more we want.

In the natural world, this could be classed as greed, however, not so much in the supernatural. Why is this? Because, the more we get of Jesus, the more we want. He is irresistible. But there must be a warning here! It is not for our glory but for His.

We read, ,'Lord, even the demons are subject to us'. Luke 10:17. Jesus answers this with, 'Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in Heaven.' In a way, Jesus was stating that they should never become puffed up. However, He was also saying more. He wanted them to receive the knowledge that, the greatest cause for our rejoicing should be our salvation and the salvation of others. He had sent the seventy out to let people know about Him. It's interesting to note, that He never mentioned to them about casting out demons. Healing and salvation was the most important part of their mission.

It's easy to have the feeling that we want God to give us more of Jesus; to pour the Holy Spirit into us at such a rate that we feel on fire with Him. Their is nothing wrong with this at all. We must though, keep our feet on the ground, we must avoid becoming puffed up with pride because Jesus has used us for a particular task - such as preaching, giving an in-depth bible study, or reading the bible through from cover to cover in 3 months. All this is good stuff, but let us avoid the glory of it all and ensure that the glory goes to Jesus and that uppermost in our day, we try to steer someone to Jesus. Remember, without us, they may never get to know that salvation is available. They may never get to know that, Jesus is not some mystical star in the sky; a baby to celebrate in Christmas Nativity plays or Easter is about Jesus, not Easter eggs. They need to know about Jesus, and you and I have the capability to let them know.

Why not allow our prayers to ask, 'give us more Lord; more of the desire to go out and tell people about Jesus and salvation. He will give you loads of that.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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