Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Let Him breathe life into your situation

"God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did."                                                                                                        Romans 4:17   NKJV

It is so easy to become repetitive when we are preaching or creating a study. However, we must remember that God's Word is a Living Word and can meet all situations. We may think we have exhausted a subject but the Holy Spirit has different ideas, so here goes.

God first told Abraham that Sarah would have his child some 25 years earlier - a quarter century. That is how long they waited before God brought it into being. That is some waiting. This is not unusual, I knew a lady who had waited around 25 or so for her husband to make a commitment to Jesus. Like Abraham, she never gave up and her faith was rewarded in a service one morning, when her husband ran to the front of the church and threw himself on the floor and gave his life to Jesus. Waiting is difficult but it brings many blessings.

You see, we can pray for hours, weeks, even years and still have no answer to our prayer and then, suddenly, God turns up in power and that prayer request is met. We should never give up praying or become tired and despondent because things aren't happening. God's in charge, so give it time. Let me explain what happened to that lady's husband that Sunday morning. He had been dead inside and wouldn't allow any light or life to penetrate this darkness that was holding him in bondage. But then God breathed on him and POW... he was saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. This was what Jesus did when He commissioned His Apostles in John 20:21-22: 'So Jesus said to them again, 'Peace to you! As the Father has sent me, I also send you.' And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit.' And this is what happened that day to this gentleman; God breathed new life into him and he was never the same again.

Have you been waiting for ages for God to answer your prayers. Have you become tired of waiting and considered that it will never happen. If Abraham had felt this way, Issac would never have been born. If that lady had given up, her husband would not have been in Heaven today - he died a few years later. Don't ever consider giving up. Ask God if you are praying properly for what you want. There may be a little tweaking that needs to take place. Is sin blocking your prayer; again, ask God, He will show you. Chances are, you have asked right but you are going to have to wait until the time is right for God, to call your prayer into life.

Until then, keep on trusting Him, praising Him and never consider wavering in your faith.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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