Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Are you holding a grudge?

"But as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with harlots, you killed the fatted calf for him."                                          V30 of Luke 15:11-32     NKJV

We all know the Parable of the Prodigal Son and the way he went off with his father's inheritance, wasted it on wild living and then returned to his father asking for help and forgiveness. It is well documented and we can all see a part of ourselves within the text. However, what about the brother? It would appear - from his perspective at least - that there was a kind of favouritism between his father and younger brother. Younger children sometimes do take the 'favourite' roll for a time.

The father must have been devastated to hear that his younger son was leaving home but, he acted very fairly to him, sharing out equally, his livelihood between the two sons. But when this all went wrong and he returned to the homestead, the older brother, being a faithful and reliable son, felt that his brother had treated the family abysmally.

He was hurt and angry towards his brother and his father for welcoming him back as if he was a king returning from a mighty battle. He had a big, 'This is not fair, Pharisaical attitude and he couldn't even bring himself to call his brother by name. He called him, 'this son of yours'. Have you ever been like this? I have, especially when our dog has been up to no good. I say to my wife, 'This dog of yours has done - whatever.' We may joke but we do this.

The older brother couldn't see that grace was ruling the moment - the unmerited favour which God shows to us all when we need it. We don't deserve it but we get it anyway, and this was what happened to the younger brother. The older brother had a major grudge about all of this and we don't read that he ever repented.

We have to be careful of this powerful weapon. Grudges hold you back, they separate you from God; it is unforgiveness with a giant blame and accusation attached to it. Be careful, there is only one accuser and that is Satan himself. 

Think back, are you holding a grudge about some person who has wronged and hurt you or treated you unfairly? Listen to me, you are going nowhere with God until you let go of this and forgive the person. When you do, you will receive God's grace to help you deal with it all.

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