Saturday, 20 March 2021

A Great Symphony

"Again, I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there in the midst of them."                         Matthew 18:19-20     NKJV  

The power of agreement is amazing and provides the results that both God and ourselves want. Pastor Keith Moore from Faith Life Church in Branson, Missouri, made a God empowered comment back in 2005. He said: 

'When you want what God wants, for the same reason He wants it, you become unstoppable'
Read it over and over again until it begins to settle in your spirit. It is a statement of total agreement with God and when we can get into this place, there is nothing that can't be done in the Kingdom of God. 

In Greek, the word 'agreement,' is sumphoneo which is made up of two syllables SUM, which means 'together' and PHONEO, which means 'to sound i.e. to sound together, be in accord and be in harmony.' The word symphony comes from sumphoneo. Metaphorically speaking, the word means to agree together in prayer that is concordant. David Guzik comments on this by saying, 'They compliment each other like a great orchestra - a metaphor taken from a number of musical instruments, set to the same key and playing the same tune - a symphony.'

So, getting back to our main text for today, we recognise how powerful and essential being in agreement is. When this happens, Jesus is right in the midst of us and things begin to happen in amazing ways. Take for example Acts 2. The disciples and apostles were together in one accord. They were in agreement to Jesus' command. He had told them to wait for the promise of the Father. Therefore, as it was a dangerous place to be, following Jesus' death and resurrection, they had assembled in an upper room. This was true fellowship.

The word fellowship is koinonia in the Greek and this means sharing and partnering with each other and sharing communion. In common this was an intimate bond of fellowship with the rest of the Christian society, which demonstrated the full meaning of koinonia, which is cementing the believers to the Lord Jesus and to each other. Total agreement. When this happens, you get what happened next - God's power manifested.There was a mighty rushing wind and the power of the Holy Spirit, hit the place with so much force that they all began to speak in another tongue and through the chaos of all of this, over three thousand people were saved.

There we have it, this is why God wants us to live our lives in total agreement with Him and other Christian folk. This is what God wants and when we want it as well, for the same reason He wants us to have it, we will then become unstoppable. 
Is this what you want? Of course it us so get into agreement with God right now!


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