Sunday, 4 April 2021

He's no longer in the grave

 "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen."     
                                                                                                           Luke 24:5-6    NKJV

Phil Driscoll, the Christian Musician, wrote a song entitled 'He's Alive Again', the chorus line went like this:

He's alive again, the stone's been rolled away
He's alive again, He's no longer where He lay
He's alive again, I can hear the angels say,
Let all the world rejoice, He's alive!

And it is true, He is not in the grave any longer, He has risen - Praise God. Death could not hold Him. He broke the chains of death and rose again and He has given the devil the biggest headache that he has ever had. He thought that he had finished Jesus off finally, but Jesus is too powerful, the grave couldn't hold Him and today, Christians the world over are rejoicing, because their King - Jesus, is alive and well.

Jesus is not just a figure in the history books, He is alive. The respected Christian writer, Andrew Murray wrote in his book, Jesus Himself:

'A dead Christ, I must do everything for, a living Christ does everything for me. This is the difference between a dead Christ, who the women went to anoint, and a living Christ, 
                                                                                    Copyright Andrew Murray

Jesus is not only a model for life, He is a living presence to help us live. Some people's Christianity may have lacked an essential something because they may have been looking for Him among the dead, but He is alive!

And because of this, each one of us need to recognise Jesus is alive; He is with us wherever we are; in whatever we do, whatever plans we have and through all the many problems that may come our way. He has an 'alive' answer to whatever situation we may come up against. If we need healing, it is an 'alive' answer He gives us. He healed us by His stripes on the cross, sickness was finished then. We just have to claim it. For every need we have, He has an 'alive' answer. 

Therefore, because you serve an 'alive Christ', He wants you to be an 'alive Christian', one who walks the walk with Jesus Christ and never looks back to what they used to be. Don't seek the living among the dead, seek Jesus.

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