Saturday, 3 April 2021

The Aftermath

"Simon Peter said, 'I am going fishing'. They said to him, 'We are going with you also."
                                                                                                      John 21:3    NKJV

There had been a lot of speculation that Jesus had risen from the dead, some, including Peter and the others had even seen Him; but where was He now? Had it all been a vision? Had it been auto-suggested to them that Jesus would arise so much, that they had believed they had seen Him? Questions and more questions.  It was total confusion for them and incredibly devastating. They had given all they could to serve Him, until the last moments when they had all fled for their lives. Now, it was emptiness, no hope or enthusiasm, nothing. For Peter it must have felt worse. he had denied he had been with Jesus to save himself. Jesus had told him that he would do this but he hadn't believed Him. Now, endless guilt. All they could do was to go back to what they knew best - fishing, which was their livelihood. But their hearts wasn't in it.

What would it feel like to not have the presence of Jesus around anymore? To us, who have known Him for some time, it would feel the same - awful. In fact, after such a time, we too would not be able to function properly. 

Some of you may be feeling this right now. An emptiness, nothing to look forward to anymore. You may feel heavy-hearted; some may even have a great sense of guilt for one reason or another. Let's face it, we know when we have done wrong, don't we? The weight of our sin weighs very heavy.

At this time, some of you may be missing someone who was a central part of your life and now, they are not there any longer. They may have left or they may have died. The great sense of loss is the same. There is an emptiness that cannot be filled. No hope, no enthusiasm, no nothing.

For Peter and the others, they were a fishing trip away from being re-united with Jesus again and they didn't know it. For you, your loved one, may not return in this life because they have died, but take heart, they are only a journey away from you. One day, you too will take the same journey and you will see them again; you will be re-united and this time it will be for eternity.

The only one at this time, who can help you with that hurt; that emptiness is Jesus. He has been there. He died and rose again, and if you know Jesus as Lord, you will too and you will once again walk the land with your loved ones.

Until then, even though you may be alone with your grief, you are not really Because Jesus is right their beside you. If you will let Him, He will put His arms around you and hug you, carry you and help you along each day of your life, until it is journey time for you.


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