Friday, 2 April 2021

The Cross

"Father forgive them for they do not know what they do:              Luke 23:34    NKJV 

2000 or so years ago, Jesus hung on that cross at Calvary for people like you and I. He was sin free but took the sin of the world upon Himself because this was the only way to the Father, who could not look upon sin. 

He hung on this cross for around three hours, in brutal agony. He had been beaten, taunted by soldiers, spat at, humiliated and had nine inch nails forced into His hands and feet to hold Him on the cross.If you have had a splinter or a thorn in your hands, you will know the pain that causes. Imagine what these large nails would have done to Jesus' body. Once the cross was erected, it would have been dropped into the hole and the force of this would have shaken His whole body causing more pain.

The pain must have been unbearable and yet, from the cross, He even blessed and forgave one of the other criminals who had also been crucified. 'Lord remember me when You come into Your Kingdom,' he cried out. Jesus replied, Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise,' Luke 23:42-43. Even in His pain, He had time for all who called out to Him, and He still has the time today. 'For whoever calls on the Name of the Lord, shall be saved.' Romans 10:13.

Jesus cried out from the cross, Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.' He then said, 'It is finished' John 19:30. He had done all that He had to do. His mission was over, He had succeeded in completing it. Note that when He said 'Forgive them,' He also meant you and I, not only those who had done this to Him. He meant it for us too, together with all of the people throughout this world. He paved the way and prayed that the Father would forgive all of us. Why? Because, without Jesus, we are covered in sin. It is just like you and I have put Him on the cross ourselves. We are guilty of this crime - until we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. We are then declared not guilty.

The significance of Jesus' statement that, 'It is finished', meant just that. He has finished all that He needed to do. He has provided healing for us, by His stripes, 1 Peter 2:24. As we accept Him as Lord, He has opened the way to the Father for us, John 3:16. He has done so much for us, we have a place in Heaven that He has provided, John 14:1-3. It is all finished. We just have to accept this, ask Him into our hearts and He provides us with eternal life. 

There is nothing else that He can do to demonstrate His love to all of us. He took our sin upon Himself; just think of all you have done wrong, He paid the price for this; He took the guilt of it, and He will forgive you and forget about it - forever, if you ask Him to. 

If you would like to make Jesus Your Lord and Saviour, why not ask Him right now:

Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for my sin. Thank you for setting me free. I recognise that it is all finished and your have the victory. Please forgive me for all the sin I have ever committed, wash me clean in Your blood. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and be My Lord and Saviour. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Do you realise something? All of those people who were rubbing their hands together with glee because they felt that they had once and for all, got rid of Him, were in for a mighty shock. It was Friday but, Sunday was just around the corner.


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